Escape from Battery City-Part 15

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I don't think Gas has spotted the radio in my hand yet. I hold it up to inspect it. At the bottom left, the word 'BOOM!' is written with lines around it, making it look like an explosion. It makes me think of when the building exploded in front of us earlier.

Gas saw it and snatches it out of my hands. "Where did you get this?!" She asks, turning it over in her hands. She has a look of shock on her face, like she recognises the radio.

"Cell found it!" Crash exclaims, sounding as excited as Gas, but for a different reason. Crash sounded happy about me finding it probably because I found it, and if it was something that could help us, neither Gas nor myself could stay angry at each other. I can tell that Crash doesn't like fighting. Unlike me, because I really see nothing wrong with fighting.

"Where did you find it?" Gas asks and I shrug. I had no idea where I was; I had just kept walking for a while until I got to wherever it was. Walking is a good way to stop being angry.

"Well isn't that a great help." She says, sarcastically. "We'll just see if it works then."

She fiddles around with it, and she somehow got a fuzzy, bad-quality sound coming out of it. But that's all she can manage to do.

"Here, hand it to me. I'm sure I can get it to work properly." I say, and although she glares at me, Gas reluctantly gives it to me. After a minute of examining it, and fiddling with it like Gas had done, I get a clearer sound from it. Now we can actually hear what's being said.

"Dr. DeathDefying here, to tell you of a tragic incident that happened near to the border of the zones. As you should know, BL/ind are expanding Battery City, which means they stole some of our land. They were blowing up our buildings. Hours after the explosion we sent a group of killjoys there to inspect the damage. It turns out that a killjoy that goes by the name of Silver Shotgun was hiding in one of the buildings. He's dead."

The audio goes fuzzy again, and no amount of fiddling or anything can change it.

There is a silence between the three of us, and I know we are all thinking one thing.

We were there when the building exploded. We were there, standing so close to it. So close to where the killjoy died.

We sit in the silence for a moment before Gas speaks up. There are tears in her eyes. "Silver Shotgun is.. No WAS one of my friends. He went missing as BL/ind took over that part of the zones. I told him it was too dangerous to hang around there, but no, he wouldn't listen to me. I wanted to find him when he didn't come back to where I was, in zone three, but I was sent on this mission. And look what happened!"

It sounds like she's blaming us, and I suppose, in a way we can be blamed. If we didn't have to be rescued from Battery City, she could have gone to find her friend.

"And then, I was so close to him. After trying to figure out where he was, rescuing you guys brought me right to him. But I had no idea he was there. I couldn't help him. And now he's dead." She puts her head against her knees and starts to cry.

Crash and I don't know what to say. So we just let her cry.

A while later she stops, she sits up and we can see the red patches around her eyes. It's obvious that she's been crying, but we don't mention anything about it, in case that brings on more crying.

I look out at the sky, the darkness reminding me of the time of day. Its nighttime, and although I hadn't been tired just moments before, I'm tired now. Just thinking about nighttime always seems to make me feel tired. I yawn, and look to Crash.

"Hey Crash?" I say and she looks at me, her eyelids drooping. She looks as tired as me. "I'm going to sleep now." She nodded in agreement.

I'm so tired that I fall asleep almost instantly.

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