Escape from Battery City- Part 25

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I watch as Crash follows Hydrogen and I sigh. I really don't like being annoyed with her, but its her own fault... Maybe when she apologises, I'll talk to her again.

I shake my head and go to find Static, maybe we can talk for a while while Crash isn't here!

I walk around for a while, but I can't find Static.

I give up, deciding to just sit and wait to see if anyone walks by and talks to me. Yeah, I'm lazy. I just can't be bothered to find anyone else. And besides, I need to think.

I sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall.

I don't know how I'm expected to make ray guns. I can't remember a single thing about them. I can't even remember how to shoot one!

Absentmindedly, I pull out my own ray gun and hold it out in the palm of my hand. I wish I could remember how to work it. We've had so many run-ins with draculoids in the past, so wouldn't it be smart to have some form of defence against them?

I jump up, deciding to go outside and practice with the ray gun. Maybe that way I won't look so pathetic when someone finally asks me about the guns, someone that isn't Crash anyway.

Why is she so adamant that I make her a ray gun? Is I was on speaking terms with her, I would explain my predicament, but at the moment, I feel content with just telling her I'm not making her one cause of what she's done.

I walk outside, my boots leaving prints in the sand. I look around and find a crate and some empty cans. Random, yes, but they were exactly what I needed.

I turn the crate over and line the cans up on top of it. Then I walk back a few steps. I hold the ray gun up, my finger resting on the trigger. I try to aim for the can on the end, but when I shoot, I miss it. It didn't even go near the can.

I frown and try again, aiming for a can in the middle this time. I'm about to shoot when I hear a faint chuckle behind me.

I turn to see Static, standing with his Ray Gun in his hand, down at his side.

"Watch." He says softly. He raises his ray gun and shoots, hitting the can I was just aiming at, and knocking it down.

I frown at him. "How did you get it to actually hit the can?" I ask.

He chuckles again. "You just gotta relax a little. You're too tense."

I nod, turning to try again. I'm about to shoot again, but then Static moves so that he's right behind me.

"You're still too tense Cell." He says, putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing them down a little. "Just relax, honestly, it's not that hard."

I try and do as he says, relaxing as much as I could.

I shoot, and actually hit a can. I turn around and high-five him.

"Thanks Static! Great advice!" I say, grinning at him.

He looks back at me, confused. It looks like he was expecting something else... A kiss perhaps? As much as I would love to, it would be slightly awkward now, so I just turn and try to shoot again, maybe I can hit a can without his help... Though maybe I want him to help me again... Hm...

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