Escape from Battery City-Part 14

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So, we're walking again. Gas said that we're nearly in zone two anyway so the journey won't be too long, I hope.

After about a half hour Gas has stopped talking to me so we walk in silence.

The sun begins to set on the horizon and the temperature begins to drop.

"OK, we have to find somewhere to stay before it get's too cold" Gas turns around to face us, "So look around carefully and tell me if you see anything."

Is it just me or is Gas to be becoming the 'leader' of our little group.

We continue walking through the sand, staring into the vast desert as we walk, hoping to see something apart from... sand.

I look back at Cell and notice she has stopped walking, I stop to look back at her and notice she's looking around nervously, well that seems very suspicious.

I walk back to join her, Gas must have noticed to, as she begins to jog towards cell.

"What's wrong?" She asks Cell when we finally reach her.

"Oh, nothing, I just thought I heard-"

"Hey, what's that?!" I cut her off, pointing to something in the distance.

The two girls turn around, their eyes follow my finger and they see that I'm pointing to some sort of vehicle, a car to be exact!

"Can we shelter there, Gas? Is that safe enough?" Cell asks grinning with excitement.

Gas begins to walk towards the car and motions with her hand for us to follow, putting her finger on her lips to tell us to be silent.

We cautiously creep behind Gas as she leads us towards the car, then from her pocket she pulls out another grenade, pulls the pin from it and throws it towards the car.

The grenade smashes through the car window, then releases a white gas which pours out the broken window as the car overflows with the gas, then the white smoke floats up to join the clouds in the sky.

Gas stands up straight, out of tense position, "Don't worry, there's no one there, we're safe."

Cell gives Gas a funny look ,"Gas? How are we supposed to get into the car with all the gas in it?"

Gas' smug smile immediately vanishes, "Well, I didn't know the grenade would go INTO the car!" She turns to Cell, who is glaring at her in annoyance.

"You IDIOT!"

Gas looks quite surprised at Cells sudden outburst but says nothing.

"You throw a grenade at the car, of COURSE it's gonna go inside, you threw it at the window for goodness sake, of course the windows gonna break!" Cell is really flaring, clenching her fists, she's defiantly prepared for an all out fight.

"So now we're gonna freeze to death because of you, because we've got no shelter.

You poisoned our only hope of surviving here!"

Gas looks so calm in this situation; miraculously she manages to keep herself looking relaxed,

"Well until the gas goes you're going to have to wait, calmly and patiently."


I'm too scared to try and break up the argument, maybe its better I don't get involved anyway.

Cell storms off, leaving Gas looking quite annoyed, and me, scared out of my wits.

Gas and I just sit in the sand, neither of us speak, nor even move.

I look over at the car; the gas is clearing faster than expected, now I can see the car much more clearly. The first thing I notice is the smiling face, the same one on the Bl/ind wanted poster. Then I notice the words 'scarecrow unit' written in a circular fashion surrounding a small image of a scarecrow.

Scarecrow, what is that? Well whatever it is, it's evil if it sports the Bl/ind logo.

After a while the gas finally clears and gas leads me to the car, "Get inside, I'll get Cell."

That doesn't sound like a good idea.

"No, I'll get cell, she won't listen to you." Then I run off in the direction in which I saw Cell leave.

Gas just shrugs in defeat and let's me run off.

Finally, I find Cell. She's bent down over the sand, digging.

"Umm, Cell, what are you doing?"

She ignores me.

"Umm, the gas is cleared from the car, you can come back when you're ready." Then I turn around and begin strolling back to the car, then I hear Cell,

"Hey Crash, take a look at what I found"

A miracle!

I hurriedly make my way back to her and kneel down beside her looking at her find.

It's a radio.

"Will we take it back to the car?" Cell seems to have forgotten her argument with Gas.

I nod, hoping that the dispute really has been forgotten.

Upon our arrival Gas leaps out the window and greets us with three bags of skittles, yum!

We all sit inside the rusting car and talk, the previous fight seems to remain forgotten, for now.

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