Escape from Battery City-Part 6+7

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****************************Part 6****************************

I just stare at Cell as she charges towards the nearest person, she throws a punch to his head and he just falls like that, this will be easy for her, there's no bother in me getting involved, after all, I don't know how to fight.

The creeps start to surround Cell, but she can handle them, right?

Within a matter of seconds they managed to tie her up, now I'm in trouble.

They begin to surround me, then from behind, one of them grabs me and starts to bind my hands together, I kick and scream upon instinct but it does nothing, we're doomed.

I wake up face down and tied up in a grey room. I try to turn my head around, I succeed, but it is quite painful on the rough ground. I look up to see Cell tied to a chair, lucky, at least she get's to sit down!

Overhead I hear the annoying buzz of a flickering light, ugh.

I roll over to see the demon light, then I notice the wire going from the light across the ceiling leading all the way over to an air vent, whoever built this place was really stupid, If I could just get untied then I'd be able to escape!

"Hey, cell?" I whisper, so see if she's awake, maybe she can figure a way out of here.

No reply.

I sigh, maybe there is no way out of here then.

I look back at the ground and wait until I hear anything.

Suddenly an extremely loud bang comes from the vent in the wall.

The netting over the vent begins to shift and makes creepy scraping noises as it becomes loose.

Then the netting the bars fall to the ground with a rattle and a pinging sound.

A figure crawls out of the vent and lands on its feet, I can't see the figure properly though, it's still too dark.

The figure walks over to cell, oblivious to me, but I'm not going to shout out, this person could try to kill me!

The mysterious figure reaches into a pocket and pulls out something, holding up to the dim light I could clearly see it was a test-tube filled with some liquid, could it be poison?

The figure leans closer to Cell and opens the test-tube with a 'pop' as the cork came off the top.

Then she began to pour the liquid inside Cell's mouth.

****************************Part 7*************************

She didn't help. She left me, to these creeps! Thanks Crash.

When I wake up, it's with liquid slipping down my throat. Someones pouring it down, someone that I don't know. I have no idea where I am. Crash is over to the side. So she got captured too.

Who is this person? I'm guessing they're good, cause I think whatever they poured down my throat helped me to regain consciousness.

I'm tied to a chair, and it's oddly comfortable. Then I try to get out, and the ropes cut into my wrists, making me gasp out in pain.

The unknown person sees me struggling, and unties the rope. Then they go to help Crash.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Gasoline Monster." She replies, her voice giving the fact that she's a girl away to us. If she hadn't spoken, I wouldn't have been able to tell. It's so dark in this room.

I nod, we all seem to have pretty odd names. Hey, how did she get in here?!

"Um gasoline, How did you get in here? Cause we kinda want to get out." she points up at the vent, I hadn't noticed it before.

Crash is untied now, and she stands up, walking over to stand beside me.

"So you're here to help us escape, right?" She nods, remaining silent as she starts to climb up.

Either those two are just seriously quiet, or I'm extremely loud, and talkative.. I'll take the first option.

We follow her, no clue as to where she's bringing us. No idea of who she even is.

We just want to be out of here, out if battery city.

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