Escape from Battery City-Part 23

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I'm still annoyed with Crash, but its fine, she has Dead now. The two of them seem to get on just fine. I walk over to Static and sigh.

“Something wrong Cell?” He asks, but I shake my head, not wanting to explain again why I’m annoyed.

After a while of walking, Hydrogen shouts “LOOK ITS POOF!”

I turn to look at her, and then who she’s shouting at.

I see a girl wearing a green top with a logo that I immediately recognise as starbucks. Mmm… Coffee…

I realize that we’re at Gas’ lab. But I still don’t know who Poof is…

We walk into the lab, and I'm shocked by the amount of complicated looking things in here.

“Cool lab Gas!” I say, grinning at her. Though, shouldn’t I be annoyed at her too? I mean, if I’m this annoyed at Crash… Maybe its because I hadn’t thought Gas had liked me in the first place. Maybe that’s why I'm not as annoyed for her abandoning me. But Crash, As quiet as she was, it had seemed like she liked me, even just a little bit.

Gas grins back at me. “Well, you know, you have a lab too.”

I look at her in shock. “Me? Why do I have a lab?” I didn’t think I would have a lab… I don’t seem smart enough for a lab.

“It’s not a lab like Gas’ one.” Hydrogen explains. “You make ray guns.” She holds out her own. “Like, you made mine!”

I look at the gun, and shake my head. How could I make that? It seems impossible.

“No, really!” Hydrogen insists, seeing my expression. “Want to go see it?”

I nod, and she turns to Gas.

“We’re going to go and show Cell her lab! Want to come?” Hydrogen asks.

Gas shakes her head. “I think I’ll stay here, with my lab.”

“I’ll come with you guys!” Static says, and I smile.

I look at Crash to see if she’s coming. She looks at Gas first, and then at me.

“Well-“ She starts, but then Dead cuts across her.

“I'm definitely coming with you!” He grins, and then Crash nods in agreement.

“Yeah, me too! Bye Gas!” She walks over to where Hydrogen and I are standing.

I sigh. I don’t know if I want her to come with me or not. Sure, she’s trying to be nice now, but I can tell that she’s only coming because Dead is. If Dead decided to stay, I bet so would she.

When we get to the lab, I am in complete shock. It’s all shiny and hi-tech and stuff. Crash looks around with a smile on her face.

“So Cell, are you going to make me a ray gun?” She says, turning to me.

I raise an eyebrow. Honestly, is she really asking me that? Like I’m going to make her a ray gun. Not after what she’s done. But I’m not going to say that to her face. She should already know.

“Well, I can’t exactly remember how…” I say. There’s a good answer. Not a yes, but not a straight out no either.

Her face falls and I feel bad for a moment. But then I remember that she deserves it, so I feel better again.

Even though what I said wasn’t exactly the reason I wasn’t making her a ray gun, I was telling the truth. Even if I tried, I would have no idea how to construct a ray gun. Damn mind wipe.

“Oh, Cell?” I hear Hydrogen say. I turn to face her, and she’s holding out a ray gun. It’s mainly purple, with the top being yellow, and a line going diagonally from the top to the bottom.

“Is that… mine?” I ask, a grin forming on my face.

“Yup.” She nods. Hydrogen hands it to me, and I take it. I find it hard to believe that I made this. It looks so… professional.

I hand Hydrogen back the gun she had given me earlier. She takes it and shoves it in her pocket.

Static, who has been pretty quiet all the time we’ve been here, walks over to me, smiling.

“When you remember how to make the guns, can you make me one?” He asks. I just can’t say no to that smile…

“Sure!” I look over at Crash, who looks really upset. Well, HA! Serves her right for leaving me alone in that sandstorm.

“Will we go back to Gas and Poof?” Hydrogen asks. I nod, and so does everyone else.

We all leave the lab.

When we get back to Gas’ lab, Poof and Gas seem to be arguing.

“You’re such an idiot.” Gas sighs. Hydrogen walks over to them.

“What’s wrong?” She asks, looking from Gas to Poof for an explaination.

They both ignore her and continue their argument.

“It’s not my fault I did it!” Gas protests. “And besides, you should have been paying more attention.”

Gas shakes her head. “I was too focused! It IS your fault.”

Again, Hydrogen interrupts, trying to get them to stop arguing. “Come on! What happened?”

Gas turns to her as if she only just noticed she was there. “She walked into me and made me spill stuff.”

I see Hydrogen roll her eyes, so maybe this is a common occurance between them.

It’s only then that I notice a spill of chemicals on the floor, dotted with small shards of glass of the beaker that the chemical had been stored in.

“So close…” Gas muttered, walking away.

I look at Static in confusion, but he’s wearing a similar expression. He catches me looking at him, and shrugs.

Then he points to the door. I guess he wants me to go outside?

He goes first and I follow him, leaving the tense atmosphere of the lab.

“Hey.” He says quietly, and I smile.

“Hello Static!” For some reason I feel overly happy. Maybe its because I’m guessing about why he wanted to talk to me out here. If my guess is correct, he’s going to finally tell me what I overheard him saying to Dead.

“Cell, I uh…” He looks at me, and then to his feet.



“Hey guys! That’s where you got to. I look away for one minute and you’ve both disappeared!” I inwardly groan, because oh look who’s here to ruin my moment, yet again. Crash.

“Uh… Yeah.” Static says, looking at me one last time in defeat.

Why does Crash do this to me? Is it intentional? Every time Static is close to telling me, she decides to interrupt. First with screaming, now this! She really doesn’t like me, does she?

“Oh, hey Crash.” I say.

She looks at both of us in shock. “You both sound disappointed to see me!” She looks from Static to me and then back to him again. Realisation crossed her face and she stepped back. “I’m so sorry! Did I interrupt something?”

I open my mouth to say yes, but Static shakes his head.

“Nope! Nothing at all! Want to go back inside?” The words come out quickly, obviously trying to get away from the two of us being alone. Way to go Crash, ruin the moment on us.

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