Escape from Battery City-Part 17

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I wake up to find myself on my own. The car is empty apart from me. And that makes me worry. Where are Gas and Crash? I bet they abandoned me. I knew they didn't like me, I bet THAT'S what they were talking about when they were ignoring me, and talking to each other. They were figuring out when would be the easiest time to leave me. Great. Just great.

But then panic overcomes me. What if they were kidnapped, not that they ran off on me? I know we're nearly in zone two, but still. They might have been taken by BL/ind! By the Drauloids!

I jump up, hitting my head in the process. 'Ouch' I mutter. I have to save them! Even though it means going back to Battery City...

Gosh I'm so stupid! Looking out the window, I see that there's a sandstorm. I can't believe I didn't notice it. I feel terrible for jumping to conclusions now...

Not that them being caught in a sandstorm is any better than what I had thought of, but at least Gas probably knows how to survive a sandstorm. She'll make sure that Crash stays alive.

But I'm still here, alone in this car. What if we get separated? What am I meant to do? I don't know this place well enough to be able to find them.

I suppose all I can do now is wait until the sandstorm is over. Maybe they might still be close... Though I doubt it...

I close my eyes; I don't want to have to look out into the sandstorm. I'm safe in here... And I hope they're safe out there.

Later, The sandstorm has stopped. I'm almost afraid to take a look outside the window. I finally decide to, and almost knowing they won't be there, I sit up, and look out.

It's dark out, but I can clearly see the area just around the car. I'm right. They're gone. So I'm alone. I stay in the car, unsure of what to do. After a moment of consideration, I decide to look for them. No point staying in the car, I'm no better off here than out there.

I hop out, taking a quick glance at the car, the BL/ind symbol looking out of place in the desert land.

Looking around, it seems like it's going to be impossible to find them. But still, I start to walk.

I wish I could remember something else. Maybe I've been here before, in fact, I probably have, because I was a killjoy before I was Mind-wiped.

Since we were headed in the direction of Zone Two, I keep walking the same way. I'm guessing that's where they went, Gas said Zone Two was safe.

I wonder how I'll know when I'm in Zone Two... Gas still has the map; I wish I had gotten it from her.

I also wonder if there'll be other killjoys there. Probably not, since Gas said that Zone Three was the safest. That's where all the killjoys will be.

Suddenly I hear noises behind me, the noises from yesterday that made me feel like someone was following me. I turn around quickly, hoping to see someone, a killjoy who can help me find Crash and Gas.

But what if it's not a killjoy? What if it's a Draculoid, or someone else sent from BL/ind? I can't handle them on my own, the last time I tried, I got myself and Crash captured. If I wanted to survive a run in with a draculoid, I would need the help of Gas. She seemed to know exactly how to get away from them.

But I don't.

Of course, like all the other times, I didn't see anyone. If there really was anyone following me, they didn't want me to see them. But maybe I'm imagining things, I really don't know. I turn around to start walking again.

It's starting to get bright, but I have no idea what time it is. So far there's no sign of anyone else, let alone Crash and Gas. I wonder if I'm in Zone Two yet. Nothing has changed, at least, Nothing that I can tell.

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