Escape from Battery City-Part 13

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Wow. She's talking to me. What a miracle! I'm trying to remember the conversation I had with the man with red hair. If I can just remember what he said to me .. Crash stops talking to me, giving me the time to try and think.

She runs up to talk to Gas again. Guess she likes her a lot more than she likes me.

I try and remember the conversation with the red haired guy. Even just remembering one thing he said, could help me remember the rest.

"Go and save her."

There, that's it. I was sent to save someone. By the red haired guy, I can't remember his name, but he must be pretty high up with the killjoys to have his face on a wanted poster.

But who did he want me to save? And from what? Or who?

I'm starting to feel really tired, we've been walking for ages. I run up to the other two.

"Hey, can we take a break from walking? I'm exhausted." They both nod, and we sit down. There's an awkward silence before Gas, in an effort to break the silence, says an equally awkward "So.." Neither Crash nor I respond to that.

Finally the two of them start to talk again, of course. They leave me out of the conversation and I tune their quiet mutterings out.

I try to remember any more of that conversation. Anything at all. Even just his name would be a help.

But no. I can't remember anything. Curse you memory! Why do you remember things when I don't need to and don't remember anything when I do?

Again, I get the feeling that we're being watched. I turn around, but like earlier, there's no one there.

I sigh and turn back around. I realise that there's something in my pocket. It's an iPod! Wonder what musics on it ..

I switch it on and wait for it to load up. When it does, there's a song on pause.

'Bulletproof Heart.' By a band called 'My Chemical Romance.'

Hm, sounds interesting, I suppose I'll listen to it.

'Me and your runaway scars

Got a photograph dream on the getaway mile'

That sounds so familiar. Getaway mile.

Thinking ..

OH! That's a road! In zone six!

"Crash, do we still have the map?!" I say excitedly. More memory back!

She nods, and looks to Gas. Oh. Right. So she gave to her.

Gas hands me the map, and I take it from her. So I was right! It is a road, and it IS in zone six.

I smile smugly, and stab the point on the map marking it with my finger.

"There we go, is that by any chance, where we are heading?" I hold up my iPod. "I listened to a song on this. And I remembered!"

Crash grins, but Gas just rolls her eyes.

"No. Not really." Oh great. Well didn't I just sound like an idiot.

"But I think that's where the guy with red hair is. Something in my memory is matching the two of them up. There has to be some connection."

She shakes her head. "We're going to zone three. Not six." Oh.

She snatches the map back, folds it, and puts it in her pocket. Then she stands up.

"Ready to walk again? We're nearly in zone two." Ugh. Too. Tired. But I stand up, and so does Crash.

We fall into the same formation as before, Gas leading the way, while Crash is standing next to her, the two of them talking. And I lag behind, feeling left out, and knowing I'm definitely not wanted here.

I switch on the iPod again, and click the 'next song' button. It's also by the same band 'My Chemical Romance.'

The songs called 'S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W'

I listen, and about three quarters of the way in I crack up. 'Run, Run, Bunny, Run' Such a random little bit, yet so catchy.

Crash turns around to see what I'm laughing at. Gas says something to her, and she shrugs, then turns back around.

I sigh and switch to the next song. I don't bother to check the name, I just listen.

I wonder why Gas doesn't seem to like me.. Did I do something to her before I was mind-wiped?

I have no idea..

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