Chapter 9; We Found Wonderland

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Since the funeral and Carolines outburst so many people have been trying to get in touch with her. She refused to talk to anyone after that day. James called countless amount of times but reached her voicemail every try. Caroline wasn't seen out publicly often, when she was everyone snapped pictures.

Tonight was a rare occasion she was going to a charity event. Since the loss of her brother, she tooks steps to better herself and decided to do things for herself. It selfish sure but she had one hell of a year so far.

Pretty much every celebrity and human alive had heard of her losses. No matter what man or women she passed, they sent her a sad look.

"Caroline." Dave smiled when he seen her "It's been awhile."

"It sure has." she grinned hugging him "How are you?"

The younger Franco brother shrugged "I've been good. I'm finishing up a movie."

"That's great! I can't wait to see it." Caroline said

"So what's been going on with you? As I hear, you're with Capitan America." he whispered and winked

Caroline's melodic laughter filled the air around them "Oh god no. We're just friends."

"I'm still keeping my eyes on him." he joked and patted her arm "I'll catch you later."

She nodded her blonde head "Of course." walking through the charity event she sat at an empty table.

"Alone much?" James asked

"Ha ha you're so funny." she rolled her blue eyes the smirked "Stalking me much?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes "Now who's the funny one." he nudged her "Look I wanted to see why you haven't been answering my calls."

"Been busy." she carelessly shrugged

"Busy with what?" he asked then spotted Chris Evans looking at them. He read the magazines and watched the news. James heard they were together but neither would confirm or deny it "Or with who I should say."

"With who? I'm sorry what?" she asked angrily

"Don't play dumb Caroline. I understand it now." he stood up not before sending a glare at Chris and walked away.

Caroline turned around too see Chris she mouth "I'm sorry" before running off after James "Stop please." she begged catching his arm

"What could you possibly have to say?" James asked

"I'm not with anyone. And if I was it sure as hell wouldn't be Chris he's too brotherly." she shuddered "Look I'm not with anyone."

"Are you like inviting me back in your life?" he wondered

"As friends." she nodded "I don't want to be in a relationship. It's to toxic."

James nodded pursing his lips "If I can't have you as mine. Then I don't want you at all." he walked away for good that night.

"We found wonderland, and we got lost in it." she mumbled watching him walk away.

She refused to chase after him. She knew her worth and her values. They were more important to her then a guy who gave her a toxic relationship.

Sorry it's short hope you guys liked it.

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