Chapter 2; Just a Small Bump

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By the time James and Caroline arrived at the charity event there were more then a few hundred celebrities. Some smiled at Caroline while most whispered to each other.

"You okay?" James asked rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb

Caroline nodded her head "I'm fine." she said quietly

He continued to pull Caroline through the crowd of people until he reached Seth "There's my two favorite people in the world." Seth said laughing and hugging them both "How is my godchild?"

Caroline set her hands on her hips "I don't recall saying you'd be the godparent." she joked "But, he's doing fine"

Seth's face lite up "He?" he asked James who nodded proudly

Hours passed as Caroline and James made there way around chatting and taking pictures with friends. Midnight soon approached and they left to go home. The drive home was silent and it relaxed Caroline.

"Tonight was fun." Caroline grinned as she searched for her phone in her pocket "James would you be a dear and check for my phone in the car?"

James kissed her cheek "Of course love."

As the door closed she heard James' phone vibrate, opening the text she figured it was from Seth or maybe Dave. She didn't expect it to be another girl.

'Can't wait to see you in a week ;)'

The text made Caroline feel sick, she read more and more as tears grew in her eyes. She tried to find an explanation for this but, she couldn't come up with any. Setting his phone down, she drew in a deep breath.

"This isn't happening." She covered her face with one hand

Soft footsteps approached her "What's wrong Care?" James asked

"Nothing, I uh I'm just not feeling to well." she put on a fake smile "I'm going to bed."

No more words were exchanged between the couple that night. James thought Caroline was sick or maybe she didn't want to have a baby with him anymore. While Caroline felt disgusted being in the same bed as him.

Once she was sure he was asleep, she silently got out of bed and went out to the living room. Caroline slept on the couch that night falling asleep sobbing.

(1 week later)

"I just don't get it man, she has these crazy fucking mood swings." James sighed as he got ready for the scene he was filming today with Seth "She hasn't slept in the same bed as me in a week. Care has been sleeping on the couch."

Seth rubbed his tire eyes "Maybe she's just more comfortable on the couch."

"That's not all though, every time I go to kiss her she moves her face. Or when I touch her she just moves away from me." James explained setting his chin in his hand "Women are complicating."

While every bit of what James said was true, it wasn't because of Caroline's mood swings. It was because she had been cheated on and lied to. Not to mention James being more helpful didn't happen which made Caroline stress more about the baby and the wedding.

When James got home he didn't find Caroline anywhere. It was odd for the house to be empty and no Caroline anywhere.

"Care?" James called walking into their bedroom "Baby where are you?"

Running a hand over his face he pulled his phone out dialing her number.

"James thank God you called!" Nina said answering Carolines phone

"Nina, wheres Care?" he asked confused why Nina answered his fiancés phone.

She sighed sadly "You might want to come to the hospital."

"I'll be there soon." he said after a moment.

Shoving his phone in his pocket, he grabbed both keys and wallet before running out of the house.

Driving there he ran a ton of senarios through his head. Finally reaching the hosptial he parked the car, running inside.

"Where's Caroline Taylor?" he asked at the front desk.

"Are you imedate family?" she asked

James blew a breath out "She's my fiancé. Please where is she?" he asked tears in his eyes.

"Room 230." she said sympathy in her eyes.

Nina tapped her foot impatienly waiting for James to arrive when he did, he seen no good signs. Nina's eyes were red and puffy. Mascar streamed down her tan face.

"What happened Nina?" James asked hugging her.

"I'm sorry James. But, Care lost the baby." she said looking up at him with brown eyes.

James felt a lump in his throat and his heart fell to his stomach "Is Caroline alright?" he asked

"Go see her." she nodded at the door

James sighed hanging his head as he entered the room. There laid Caroline pale and sickly looking.

She opened her eyes, once bright ocean blue eyes were now sad and faded "He's gone. I'm so sorry James." she cried out

James rushed to her side and held her "No, baby it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." he comforted her.

"I lost our baby. Liam's gone now!" she sobbed so hard her fragile body shook.

James had no idea what to say for once in his life, his comedic ways couldn't save him. He couldn't make her laugh this kind of awful pain away. And for once since his fathers passing, he felt the worst pain ever. It was as if his heart broke again.

For the rest of the night, they held each other and cried. Letting all their pain and hurt out for that tiny baby. The tiny baby that would be a mixture of the both of them. Liam, the baby they were going to love unconditionally and forever. Everything planned was gone in a blink of an eye.

Sorry for the sad chapter but, the idea spang on me so I had to write it. Comment and vote!! Xxx

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