Chapter 10: Maybe it's all going to work out

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Caroline painted her nails light pink while humming to the tunes playing from her record player.

"You can't always get what you want." she sang nodding her head to the beat "But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need."

Her iPhone buzzed as a call came in. She sighed putting her nail polish down.

"Hello you've reached Caroline Taylor." she greeted the caller

"Caroline! Just the girl I wanted to speak to." and unfamiliar British accent said "It's Mick, Mick Jagger."

Caroline couldn't believe her ears "Mick oh my gosh hi."she said happily

"I'm glad you're as ecstatic to talk to me as I am you." he laughed "I'm going to be in LA in a few weeks. Would you mind meeting me?"

"Sounds good." she tried to keep her fangirl hidden

"Great love! I'll give you a call again soon."

"That'd be great. Bye Mick." she sighed happily and let the inner fangirl come out when she hung up.

Caroline wanted to call someone to tell them of the great news. There were a select few she could call. Lea, Emma and Nina were filming interviews or shows. Chris was in another state busy filming the new Avengers movie so she rarely talked to him. Everyone else she used to talk to, slowly but surely disappeared. She hadn't minded though there wasn't a reason for her to care.

Even if Chris was busy one of his cast mates would anser his phone. They always did, thinking the two were dating. They deemed to know his new girlfriend even though Chris told them countless amounts of time she wasn't.

Caroline dialled his number, it rang a few times before someone picked up "Chris Evans' phone, Robert speaking."

"Hey Robert is there any chance I can talk to Chris?" Caroline asked sweetly

He hummed "Let me see. Oh he just finished a scene you're in luck sweetness." he pulled the phone away from his ear "Chris your girlfriend is on the phone." he yelled

Caroline laughed and heard Chris grumble "She's not girlfriend." he snatched the phone from Robert who was laughing "Care hey what's up?" he asked cheering up

"Guess who just called me." she excitedly said

"Um the president?" he asked

She rolled her blue eyes "No silly. Mick Jagger." she squealed

Chris smiled "Mick eh? Nice that's exciting."

"I know, oh we're meeting up in LA. Maybe you could join us." she offered

"I wouldn't want to ruin you're totally awesome time with a Rolling Stone." he chuckled

Caroline bit her lip "If you change your mind."

"I'll let you know when I'm free." he paused then sighed "Filming calls. I'll call when I'm done tonight."

"Alright, bye Chris." she whispered

Three days later Mick called again. They'd arranged to meet Friday evening at some restaurant Caroline never heard of. Even though she wasn't due in LA for another two days, she packed and left.

While Caroline was happily living life, James on the other hand was pretty miserable. He'd just finished his latest film, smiling as he hugged his cast mates. Sure he wasn't truly happy but hey he got paid to fake things so why not start with his emotions.

James lived everyday in regret of what he told Caroline that night at the event. "If I can't have you as mine. I don't want you at all." he cringed every time he thought of what he said.

She said they could be friends. Hell the women was more then willing to have him in her life after he broke her. James fucked it up and he knew it. He wondered how she was often, she wasn't on social media much and it was a rare occasion for her to be out in public unless necessary.

Through it all, James had been the one hurt, broken and abandoned. He never thought he'd feel like this. James imagined Caroline like this but how could he know how she felt? How could he possibly imagine the damage he had caused her? He destroyed her that much he was sure of.

James came to his senses about what he had done to Caroline. She was so innocent, happy and full of life when they met. By the time they ended, she was tired and torn down. It was obvious she wanted to cry so many times but wouldn't in front him.

James knew he had to let her go if it was for a short period of time or forever he just had to. She needed to recover from the damage he caused her. It was time for him to apologize and make things okay again. Or at least as okay as possible he owed her that much.

After he said his goodbyes to everyone he headed home. His New York apartment hadn't changed since the last time he'd been there. The pictures were still broken on the floor and chairs broken as well. The chairs Caroline picked out. Shaking his head he went to his room.

The drawers he hadn't opened since she left finally came open that day. He pulled out her necklace she wore often, her favorite shirt and pictures. James found an envelope big enough stuffing her last remaining things in there. Before closing it he grabbed a pen and paper.
I know the damage I caused is beyond repair for you. If it means anything I regret the things I've done to hurt you. -James

Sticking the note in, he addressed the envelope and gave it to the postman. James felt odd, the last of her things were gone in a weird way he felt like she was gone completely now.

He fixed the now empty drawers and smiled at the bright yellow scarf he found. It was Carolines favorite and his as well. Her scent could easily be smelt and he gripped on to it tightly. This last bit of her was all he needed for now.

So I thought I owed you all a long chapter filled with detail. I've been lacking in writing but no worries I'm back now. Hope you all enjoyed it. And any Rolling Stones fans out there??

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