Chapter 4; To many tears

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Caroline waited at the airport for her flight to be called. She was irrated and impatient of course it didn't help that paparazzi was there asking about her and James.

"Flight 246 to LA now boarding." a dull voice said

Caroline sighed and boarded the plane. She sat in her seat looking out the window. This flight felt lonely to her and she didn't like it. She felt like breaking down, no she couldn't do that openly. So instead she closed her eyes hoping for sleep. Sleep would be good for her, she wouldn't think about James. At least she hoped she wouldn't.

James let tears fall from his eyes as Caroline closed the door. He knew this would be the last time he would see her. He knew she wouldn't be back, he cheated and she found out.

"I'm disgusted with myself." he cried out falling to the floor sobbing.

Never had he imagined the famous James Franco would cry over some girl. But Caroline wasn't some girl to him. She was his love. He stood up grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels and drinking it.

"I'm a fuck up." he said to himself "Lost Liam now Caroline. Dad you're so fucking proud." he shouted at the ceiling.

James wasn't sure what to do so he just destroyed things. He threw pictures on the floor. Releasing his anger by breaking things he felt slightly better.

"I hate you." he said to no one in particular "They're gone and I can't get them back."

The tears came flowing from his brown eyes. Nothing could stop them at this point.

I apologize for this being short wanted to get this one out of the way

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