Chapter 5; They let it go free

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Caroline sat patiently waiting in the familiar LA airport the one she first met James at. She shook those memories out of her head. He was the last person she wanted to think of at the moment. Instead she let her blue eyes scan the crowded place for Lea.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." she heard a familiar voice say "Miss Caroline Taylor!" Lea shouted when she seen Caroline

"Well if it isn't Miss Lea Michele." she laughed hugging the brunette

"I heard you're going through a hard time." Lea said "Lets go out to dinner and you can explain."

"Thanks Lea." Caroline smiled grateful for her friend

As night grew Caroline dressed in a dress and heels. Lea wearing a dress and flats. The girls walked into the restaurant. They're heads down avoiding the paparazzi.

"So what happened?" Lea asked

"He was seeing some other girl." Caroline replied taking a seat at the table across from Lea

She gasped and her brown eyes got big "Why would he do that?"

"I have no idea. It's just awful though." she put her hair behind her ears

Lea nodded her head "I'm really sorry to Care about the baby."

Tears grew in her blue eyes but she blinked them back "It's not a big deal." she shrugged "So any new projects?"

"Just glee still." she confessed "We're uh doing the Finn episode soon."

Caroline knew how hard it was hearing of Corys passing. Reaching across the table grabbing her friends hand, she smiled "He's looking down on you smiling for being strong Lea."

Lea smiled back and nodded "Thanks Caroline."

Caroline wasn't the only one in LA. James was as well, he was visiting Seth.

"What's been happening man?" Seth asked

"What do you mean?" James asked

Seth rolled his eyes flipping through the t.v. channels "I'm not dumb. I've known you for awhile."

Seth stopped at E News hearing Caroline's name

"James Franco's fiancé, Caroline Taylor was seen with Glee star Lea Michel this evening." Cat said "But, without a ring."

"No, ring indeed seems like the two have split. Seen taking two separate flights to LA has sparked rumors." Jason said "Poor girl first her baby now no wedding."

"I know, we will keep you posted on all things Caroline." Cat smiled

James rolled his eyes "I fucking hate those people."

"It's their job man." Seth said shutting the t.v. off "What is going on though?"

"She left. She found out I cheated on her." James sighed

"I can't believe you James." Seth said disgusted with his friend "She lost your baby and you do that to her."

"This was before the whole baby thing." he said closing his eyes "I probably won't ever get her back now."

Seth shook his head watching James leave the house. Poor Caroline was broken and ruined because of the man she loved. He found it impossible to wrap his head around all of this.

"Fucking idiot." Seth mumbled to himself

James stuffed his hands in his pockets walking to his car "I ruined it now." he started his car and drove to his house in LA.

As James pulled up to his house he spotted a girl sitting on his porch steps. Getting out of the car he noticed she had blonde hair.

"Caroline." he smiled walking to the girl

She smiled at him lovingly "James I missed you."

James smiled closing his eyes as her hands touched his cheek. When he opened his brown eyes he noticed Caroline wasn't there. He must've missed her so much he imagined it.

Maybe if he let go of the love it would come back. He knew in his heart or so he prayed it would work out that way. Sulking into his house, it seemed so empty without the laughter of Caroline. James climbed into bed, tossing and turning the whole night.

Across town Caroline stared at the ceiling all night. "Let go, Caroline." she sighed closing her blue eyes.

Even if they both let the love go, it would still come back. It was a good and bad love no matter what. But at the moment Caroline and James both knew they had to let it go free in order for it to come back.

So how are you readers enjoying the story?? Comment and stuff I love reading your comments. Also feel free to shoot me a message I'll read it and get back to you. I'd love to talk to some of you. Xxx

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