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Running, Izuku was making his way towards the stadium when he ran into someone. He looked up to see a broad and wide man who wore the same eternal soul as Todoroki did. Endevour.
"Oh, it's you. I've been looking for you," He said with a cold and venomous tone. "I want you to make my so-." He was cut of by Izuku saying.
"Couldn't give less of a shit. Todoroki isn't you so don't force him to be like you." Izuku's voice was cold and causes Endevour to step back in shock. Izuku ran away and went to the stadium.

Izuku and Todoroki where stood there staring at each other and waiting.
"You can't win this one. You need to go all in. Use your flames." Izuku said kindly.
"Did my old man put you up to this." Todoroki spat at Izuku.
"That old fuck? Really? Jesus you know I see you as a friend right? Why would I take orders from a cunt whos only goal in life is to fuck shit up?" Izuku said half jokingly.
"BEGIN!" Midnight started the fight and Izuku immediately ran around Todoroki and launched a bolt at him.
"C'mon Todo. You need to stop limiting yourself for his sake. The power you hold belongs to you and you alone. And belive me when I say we both had our troubles." Izuku yelled.
"I refuse to use his po-"
Those words caused Todoroki to have a flash back to his mother.
'Be yourself Todoroki. Don't let him hold you back.' Returning to consciousness Todoroki's right side lit up like a night time cityscape.
'I see now. The point to me being a hero was to leave him behind but even now he hinders me. Thank you... Aizawa-kun'

Todoroki lifted his hand and released all the fire he had. And Izuku Decided to stop holding his power back as Well and releasedall his lightning. Todoroki's fire became blue. The reds, blues and greens lit up the area and the heat from the flames could be felt from the spectators stand. Cementos tried to put walls up to block the impact but it was far too late. Todoroki and Izuku collided in a spectacular flurry of colour and light. The explosion that followed caused several hundred people to be blasted from their seat and some to be knocked out completely.

As the some cleared you could see that the winner was. Todoroki. But not by much.izuku was on his knees next to him.
"Why did you lose on purpose." Todoroki said.
"This match wasn't about winning. I wanted to save you." Izuku replied.

"Thank you" Todoroki said.

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