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The day was going well for Izuku, he made new friends and knew who he could trust.

As he walked into class all eyes were locked on him.

"Hey Izuku, you good. We where just going over the Battle Training results. Your whole fight was so manly." Kirishima said.

"I could tell how much you worked." Todoroki praised.

"Wait. If your Aizawa's son. How come your quirk is nothing like h-." Kaminari was cut off by Izuku being suddenly in front of Kaminari with his hand on his throat and his hair covering his eyes.

"Woah, calm down man. I was just asking." Kaminari yelled in shock.

"Well don't." Izuku said coldly,as he looked up to reveal his eyes where full of tears.

"Dude..." Kirishima said in a saddened tone, "What happened to make you like this."

"Everything that could go wrong in my life... Did." Izuku replied in a shaky voice.

Izuku left the room leaving everyone in shock. Kirishima was about to go after him when Bakugou stopped him.

"I wouldn't pry if I were you. He's a bit irritable when it comes to his past." Bakugou said in an unusually calm way.

"And for good reason." Aizawa suddenly added, making everyone jump. "It's not our place to tell you said reason. But when he's ready, he'll tell you himself." he continued.

"Understood." the whole class said.
The day, since then, had continued as normal. They had English with Mic and Maths with Ectoplasm.

Then came Aizawa's class,
"Today your going to be picking a class president, I don't give a damn how, just do it and don't wake me up." Aizawa said as he fell a sleep.

The class fell into pandemonium, people yelling that they should be class president. Izuku was sick of it and shouted
"Shut the fuck up and listen!"
The whole class was shocked as Izuku was usually a layed back guy with tame language and to have him not only shout but also sware was a suprise.
"We should do this democratically. With a vote. Just.... Don't vote for yourselves." Izuku said.

"Sounds fair." Kaminari said. And so it was settled the class president would be decided by vote. After everyone had voted the results where as follows.
1. Izuku Aizawa. 12
2. Momo Yaoyorozu. 5
3. Katsuki Bakugou. 3
Everyone else. 0

Aizawa woke up and said,
"So it's decided Izuku will be president and Yaoyorozu will be vice." as Izuku stood up and said,
"Thanks for the opportunity to lead the class, though I don't feel confident enough in my abilities I'll try my best and go beyond."

"PLUS ULTRA." The whole class shouted together.

Lunch time came and Izuku sat with Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, Iida and Uraraka.

"Dekiru, you need to be more confident in yourself if anyone, you can lead this class." Bakugou said, looking at the others who, while shocked from Bakugou being nice to someone, nodded in agreement.

"Can I just ask Bakugou, why do you call Izuku 'Dekiru'." Yaoyorozu said.

"Well it goes back to when my quirk manifested. I got mine just before Dekiru, so basically he kept telling me to train so when he got his, we could spar. Anytime that I felt like I couldn't do it he'd shout 'Dekiru Bakugou, Dekiru.' it just means you can do it. And since he got his quirk I did the same. And it just became natural for me to call him 'Dekiru.' because no matter what I knew he could do it." he said. Izuku was blushing slightly at the mention of his old habits."I still have some pictures of him in Kindergarten." Bakugou said in a tormenting way.

"No Kaachan, NO." Izuku said, letting his old nickname for Bakugou slip out.

"Huh. Kaa-chan." Uraraka said confused.

"No, Kaachan it's his old nickname for me from elementary." Bakugou said.

"Sorry." Izuku said.

"It's oka-" Bakugou was cut of bt the alarm signaling a level 3 security breach. The whole school went nuts and people where getting hurt as the crowd was rushing to escape.

Izuku heard Yaoyorozu her hurt and welp. He then ran at a Speed that let him run on the walls untill he was at the top of the exit.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CALM DOWN, LOOK OUTSIDE IT'S JUST THE PRESS." Izuku shouted. Everyone looked outside and calmed down as they returned to their respective classes.
"Thank god that over." Izuku mumbled as he ran to Yaoyorozu,
"You okay." He said in a consered way.

"Yeah, thanks." She said as she gave him a million watt smile.

"Good, thats good." Izuku whispered.

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