Chapter 68: "But Vincenzo,"..."No buts, go and talk to your brother."

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Arackniss entered the agency building with his sister and the demon at the front desk was in the process of lighting a cigarette. "Hey Niss..." The demon looked up only to have the cigarette drop from between his teeth when he saw the state Molly was in.

"Yo Arackniss what the—?"

"Not Now Butch! Just tell the boss that I'm back. Oh, and while you're at it, if any of the other hitmen say anything perversive about why the Hell I have a demoness with me...then tell them I'll be treating them to a private shooting demonstration at o5:00 tomorrow morning."

He walked by the front desk, but as he did his eyes shifted dangerously towards Butch when he saw the demon trying to sneak a peak at Molly since her outfit was pretty much in tatters. Aracknis shielded Molly from view and snarled as his red eyes glowed in a silent warning. "And they'll be the targets. So do keep that in mind Butch, unless youse keen to join them?"

Molly noticed how pale the demon named Butch became and quickly swatted her big brother's chest. "Stop that Nicky, you're not doing yourself any favors by scaring your colleagues!"

Aracknis scoffed as they headed to the elevator door before looking over his shoulder to Butch.

"Youse ain't been around them long enough Molly. Their worse than a college fraternity."

Butch's eyes widened. "Wait, Molly? That's your sister?"

"Yeah youse got a 🤬 problem with that Butch? Get back to your 🤬 job!"

Butch frowned at him and scoffed before lighting his cigarette and sitting down in his chair behind the front desk.

"Whatever Arackniss, just remember what your sister said. We're colleagues—not targets."

Arackniss shot him a glare before the elevator door closed.

He was guiding Molly through the halls and shooting glares at anyone who looked at him funny. Molly grinned as her head swivels around left to right trying to take in the decor of the building.

"Looks like the place has changed a bit since the last time ya sent me pictures?"

"Yep, mostly remodeling to accompany the newer demons changing styles."

He rolled his eyes and then opened the door to his apartment. "Home sweet home. I might have a long shirt youse can wear Molly."

"Thank ya Nicky..."

"Anytime Molly."

Molly entered the bathroom with the long shirt and after frowning over the state of her outfit she opted to shower to wash all the grime from her body. Afterwards she checked out the slowly healing bruise on her cheek despite the spider fuzz she knew there was bruising. With a sigh she dressed into the long donated shirt.

"At least my skirt wasn't torn. That handsy freak...he must've been stalking me. Hmph well that'll teach him to never mess with me again. The stupid Scumbag..."

She walked out of the bathroom and saw the couch was made for her to stay the night. She shot her older brother a stubborn look as he was busy making a cup of hot coco for her. He shot her a strict *You're Stay Here Where I Know You're Safe* look in retaliation before adverting his gaze towards the boiling pot of hot coco.

He heard her scoff and smirked. He knew she's likely pouting. He imagined her cheeks puffed out like a Japanese pufferfish and her lower lip pushed out like a five year old child. He smirked and chuckled over the imagery while pouring them both a cup of hot coco. He turned around with a cup in two of his six hands and snickered.

Sure enough his baby sister hasn't changed a bit. He smirked as he handed her a cup.

"Hey there pufferfish youse care to deflate that stubborn ego of yours for a cup of coco?"

Molly rolled her eyes with a smile and took the cup. "Still the same ol' Nicky."

"Still the same stubborn Molly..."

They clicked there cups of coco and took a sip.

"So youse sure that you're okay Molly? He hit youse pretty hard?"

Molly gave a dramatic groan. "Grahhhhhh you're such a Mom! I'm fine Nicky! I'm more concerned about you!"


"Yes, you! You can't hide anything from me Nicky...what's wrong?"

"I... I still see youse and Tony...dead...every time I close my eyes to sleep...every time a hear a demoness scream or see a demon passed out with a bag of drugs in his lap...I see youse in them and it 🤬 hurts. Maybe that's my 🤬 torment...because I failed youse when youse needed me?"

"Ya don't believe that Nicky I know ya don't! It was my mistake for leaving I should've just stayed at Maria's."

"Youse weren't prepared for that Molly... but if I had tried harder...stayed in touch with Tony more than I did then...I could've saved youse both from dying so 🤬 young. Youse were only 30 years old Molly..."

"And you were only 35 Nicky! It's cruel but it's in the past! You're here now and you have a chance to reconnect with Anthony again so please excuse the pun, but why the Hell aren't you taking that 🤬 chance?"

"I—I'm scared... I'm scared of reminding him that I almost..."

"Almost what? Tony never told me what hardly ever talked about it so what—what happened the month before Tony died?"

"We had a fight...he compared me to Pops...I—I pulled a 🤬 gun on him Molly."

Molly's eyes widened. "W-what?"

Arackniss buried his head into his hands and sobbed. "I didn't even realize I did it? He told me... that I might've never hit youse, but my words inflicted a damage far worse that any bullet ever could. He said that I don't have to worry about seeing him ever again after that..."

He cursed and broke down. "Oh 🤬 dammit I'm such an idiot... He 🤬 told me that he was gonna kill himself and—and I just stood there and let him run to his 🤬 death!"

"Nicky, you have to go talk to him."

"Now? Youse joking right?"

"Yes now! Go on get! Before ya chicken out!"

She opened the door and shoved him outside before closing and locking it. "Molly! Open The Door Dammit!"

"No! Go talk with our brother Nicky! Now!"

"You better do what your sister says Arackniss."

Arackniss turned to see Vincenzo with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette between his teeth.

"Heard from Butch that your sister's here? She okay I wager considering she just kicked ya out of your own apartment?"

"Yeah she's fine...A Bloody Pain In The Ass...but fine."


Arackniss flinched. Vincenzo smirked. "I suggest you go talk to your brother Arackniss. Your sister will be fine and perfectly safe."

"But Vincenzo..."

"No but's go talk to your brother Arackniss. That's an order."

"It's 12:00 at night!" A loud blast of Hellish thunder followed by the lightning. "And it's raining!"

The door opened and a raincoat was thrown at his face before closing again.

"So, you've got a coat now. I suggest you get going before it downpours, and preferably before she comes out here threatening to shoot you with her guns."

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