Chapter 74: Mardi Gras...and-a food thief?

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The song by French songwriter Indila: Boite en argent (translation: Silver Box) inspired the previous chapter and this one. Mostly regarding Abigail's mental thought process towards her conflicting emotions towards a certain Satyr Wendigo Demon.

Mardi Gras...

Abigail took a deep breath as she walked over to answer the knocking outside her door. She took one more look at her reflection and sighed in trepidation before opening it to the one demon that was a little blessings that were fighting with the constant reminders that she's not worthy...not after what she's done to him after his death.

She's giving him a chance and the more time that passes, she's growing attached, even seeking him out to talk about the littlest of things, he'd count it as a blessing but to her it's a curse. She feels like she's abusing his heart with false promises of his affections somehow rekindling their it isn't broken by the secret she hides within her heart. She was a fraud...she can't be what he sees...

He says that she's the sun to his moon. But she's not the sun that dances in step with the dashing moon. She's not even the mother of the how she had always hoped to be. She was lucky enough to blessed with one star to call her own. No, she's not the sun, she's the black hole that swallows the sun.

And yet as she looked up towards the man she had once loved—no—towards at the man she still loves—her eyes widened.


He was stunning. Wearing a dashing black and red filigree suit with a black and silver mask adorned with roses.

Her eyes zeroed in on the rose details around his green eyes and she mentally scowled.

*Rosie you really are an evil genius. Red brings out the beauty of his eyes. Dammit pull yourself together Abigail your not a teenager anymore...*

Amos was fumbling over his words as he admired how beautiful she looked in that black, red lace dress. He couldn't help how his eyes admired how well that dress fit her slender figure. Of course his brain immediately decided to betray him.

"If—If your father ever saw you in a dress like this..." He gave a shaky gulp and muttered as his face immediately flushed in color. "He would've never let me date you. Nope, he would've thrown a fit over the lack of propriety and likely have you sent to a convent...but goddamn, hats off to Rosie on this one, because you look positively gorgeous Abigail!"

Abigail smirked and chuckled as she took the rose from his hand and mockingly patted his cheekbone. "Just be glad I'm not repeating our first meeting Amos Williams."

Amos blinked and then paled with an immediate flinch over that particular memory of her punching him unconscious. "For that act of mercy, I'm eternally grateful Abigail."

Abigail laughed and held out her arm. "Well, care to escort me?"

"Oh, uh, yes of course!" He took her arm and guided her towards the ballroom. "You really do look breathtaking Abby."

"I...Thank you Amos." She decided to change the subject back to his appearance. "Glad to see you cleaned up that scruffy beard, and decided against the suggestion of shaving it all off."

"Ha! You amuse me Abby! Like I'd ever do that? I know you love the beard."

Abigail blushed slightly over his teasing smirk.

He wasn't wrong.

"I'm looking forward to dancing with you again Abby."

Abigail smiled softly but in the back of her mind the hesitation she had surrounding her songbook was slowly eating away at her.

(Hazbin Hotel) The Radio Demon and The Doe-Eyed KillerWhere stories live. Discover now