Chapter 19-See you..

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I woke up from a loud noise coming downstairs and I know it's them.

"Argg.." I growl when I get up from a hang over.

I grab my phone to see what time is it because I know it's still morning they're this loud now.

"It's 9 am and you all have this energy after the party?ahh.."

I ask myself still staring my phone suddenly remember what happened earlier.

To: Wife

Good morning love I know it's early to wake up I hope you're resting well.Eat a lot and don't make yourself tired okay?see you at the altar soon.. I love you..


I put back my phone and make my way where the noise coming from.

"Woah it's so cool!" - Shoyo

"Kurobro what do ya think with this electric guitar huh?" - Bokuto

"It's cool but who's playing it?it's still new as hell." - Kuroo

"Oh--yeah who would it be?"-Bokuto

As I get down I see them staring each other with those question face.

So they're the one's who stayed last night huh..

"My Wife"
I said as I sit beside Kenma who's playing.Their eyes landed on me still with that question face.

"What about your wife?"-Kuroo

"I bought that for my wife because she love playing guitars"


I rub my ears how loud they're when their voice raised all together.

"But isn't it hard?the string is so hard to play." -Shoyo

"Like my skin will peel off."- Bokuto

I smiled thinking how cool my wife when she played that kind of guitar before.

After that loud morning we get into business about the wedding.
They won't let me see how the church look like because it's a surprise so I just fixed the bill and talked to my relatives for their attire that will arrive tomorrow.

It was 3 pm when my phone vibrated on my pocket so I check it and see my who texted me.

From: Wife

Hi love I just woke up,you're too early huh?I guess because the 3 chaotic mens is in our home haha don't make yourself tired too!I know you're busy so don't overdo your body.I Love You More!❤️"

I smiled widely reading her text.I put back my phone on my pocket and do my works still having a smile on my face.

A few hours later...

"Huh?what are you looking at the window?"

I snapped out when Kuroo spoke.I didn't realize I'm spacing out.

"Ah nothing just thinking something.."

"About the wedding?"

"Yeah..I'm thinking if I would write a vows for her.."

"Haha what? you should just express your feelings you don't need to wrote down you vows because I know there's no words would describe how you love I right?"

I raised my eyebrows in shock and look at him.

"Yeah you're right.."

"Exited huh indeed."

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