I guess space, and time, takes violent things, angry things and makes them kind

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Chapter Four

"Oh my God, Kiri! This one would look so good on you!" Mina squealed, dragging Kirishima to the suit jacket she had seen when walking through the mall. "It's perfect."

She was wrong. The colour, a burnt orange, was horrendous. The cuffs and colour were black and white. It looked like the kind of suit you would wear to a Halloween party as a joke. Not to mention the price was outrageous for something so ugly.

When Kirishima had presented Mina and Kaminari with the news of his engagement to Katsuki, Mina insisted on helping them plan it. Decorations, drinks, what food they would have the caterer eat, the kind of cake and how tall. Everything. She had begged Katsuki to let her help him pick his suit, but several threats later she backed down, and with fake puppy eyes, she asked Kirishima if she could assist him. He really didn't want to say yes. Over the years her fashion taste had gotten more and more... out there. However, after the pain that was Jiro's wedding, he couldn't say no.

"Mina," Kirishima began, setting down the bar attached to Riot's harness and grabbed the price tag, "when I said orange, red, and black, I meant like... an orange boutonnière or floral centerpieces. I cannot wear an orange jacket. I'll look a traffic cone"

"Are you guys going to match?" Kaminari asked from somewhere behind them, and Kirishima nodded. "So, how about this?" He directed Kirishima's attention to a suit displayed on a mannequin.

It was black, like he had wanted, with a stark white undershirt and a deep red tie. It was a relief to glance down and see the price wasn't terrible. It wasn't great, but it would be doable.

Kaminari hadn't offered to help, but he did ask if he could come along for the suit shopping once Mina and Kirishima had set the date. Grateful to have someone with a little more sense一Kaminari with sense? Unheard of一when it came to wedding attire, Kirishima glady said that was more than okay. He loved Mina, truly, she was perfect and helpful is more ways that he could imagine, but formal attire had never been her thing. She always went for the clothes that stood out the most, and while they looked good on her, he knew most people could never see themselves wearing such outfits. Hell, he was sure Mina would find a way to make the suit work if she were to wear it, but there's no way he could ever look in the mirror with a suit like that on and think he looks good. Especially not to his wedding, where he would be marrying his very, very judgemental husband to be and never live it down.

"That's perfect, dude," Kirishima said.

"Aww!" Mina pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. "I mean, I guess it's okay, but that other one fits the vibe."

"No, it doesn't you crazy woman." Kaminari shook his head. "Katsuki would kill you for having Kiri wear that, and he would kill Kiri for allowing himself to be seen in that. Besides, he would look like a burnt pumpkin."

Mina rolled her eyes, crossed her arms over her chest, reluctantly allowing it, as if she could force either of them to do what she wanted. "As long as I can pick the boutonnière. For both you and Katsuki."

Kirishima nodded and waved over an employee. "Can I try this on?"

The group was taken to the back of the store, right where the small changing stalls were, before the employee disappeared behind a door that opened up into an area only employees could enter. Minutes later they emerged from behind the mystery door, the full suit hanging from a hander clutched in their hand, and handed it to Kirishima with a blurry, and clearly fake, smile plastered on their face saying something like, "I'll be behind the counter if you need me."

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