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hey everyone.

i am gonna get straight to the point and say that i have zero motivation for this fic, this ship, and this fandom as a whole.

there's some stuff within the fandom that i don't want to be associated with (ie, underage shipping, the todoroki x dabi shipping ive been seeing, and so on). while im very aware the actions of a few do not speak for the whole of the fandom, its just not something i want to touch with a 10 foot pole lmao. at this point it's rather hard for me to ignore.

tbh im also just not... that big on the show/manga anymore. it's going in a direction im not into.

i also feel as though i cannot continue to grow as writer while writing for kiribaku. i do not feel challenged so ive started writing for haikyuu (since in canon the characters are 18+ and as someone who is an adult i feel much more comfy writing for then), more specifically sakuatsu.

i know it's basically kiribaku but in a different font lmao, however i feel sakuatsu has not only required me to examine the way i write but has also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.

i am still writing, a lot and often to be exact, just not for kiribaku, and i am low-key tired of seeing this story marked as uncompleted so since the main story is done imma mark this shit as done and leave it at that.

some shameless promo before im done: i posted a sakuatsu fic on Ao3 called "the downfall of sakuatsu (& the upside of miya atsumu)" for those of you who're interested. my username there is also StarsNeverLanding. it's 40k words and probs the biggest piece of myself ive ever written into a story. the fic is on here but it isn't completed lol.

anyway. thanks for reading this shit and amateur fic lol. ill see y'all elsewhere<3 (i might post my new sakuatsu fics here but don't hold your breaths)


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