Chapter Twelve

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, plotlines, characters, places, events (etc.) all belong to J.K. Rowling, she is the rightful owner. When a character is created by me, you'll know right away ;)


18 April 1998

"Eugh! Hermione?" Fleur called from the gathering room. "I'm in a bit of a situation, he has spit up all over his rag. Would you bring me another one and take the dirty one to the washing basket?"

Hermione nodded but questioned why Fleur would want to perform laundry the muggle way.

As if reading her mind, Fleur explained. "I find that it makes the laundry smell nicer when it's done the muggle way. Besides, I think it's kind of fun."

The fact that Fleur was enthusiastic about doing the laundry put Hermione on edge just a little. Just as the muggle saying goes, whatever floats your boat.

When she returned with a fresh rag after having disposed of the dirty one, she noticed that it wasn't just the dirty rag that had been affected.

"Oh, Fleur, your cardigan, he spit up on that too."

"Oh... mon Dieu, Archie! Why must you make such a mess! Here, please take him," she said, passing the infant to Hermione without consent. Not that it was needed. Hermione was glad to take her son.

There came a knock at the door which frightened the little baby, causing his happy mood to be disturbed.

"Oh, no, no, Archie, don't cry. It's okay." She hushed him, "Harry? Ronald? Will someone see who's at the door?"

Harry emerged from the basement and grunted at the last step, clearly exhausted at not having gotten enough sleep. For the past few weeks, Archie hadn't been sleeping well. Hermione suspected that he was a victim of early on-set teething at only four months.


Hermione cuddled Archie closer to her chest while he laid his head down with a final whine.

"Remus! Tonks!"

Hermione gasped. They were here! Friends.

She entered the landing and took one look at Tonks. "And who might this little tyke be?" Bill asked, descending the stairs.

"It's Edward Lupin. But we've resorted to calling him, Teddy. After Tonks's father."

"No middle name?"

Tonks shot a knowing look at Hermione. "No. No middle name."

Hermione stopped in her tracks.

She'd faced insecurities before when it came to Tonks and Remus's relationship and envied their open affection toward one another. But she was at a loss for words. On the one hand, Teddy was beautiful, and she knew first-hand how incredibly wonderful it was to grow an infant in your womb and show so much devotion to them before and after birth that you would lay down your life for them. But in that, Tonks and Remus would be able to return home and savor time together as a family. Hermione couldn't do that. Not now and not without Draco.

"Wotcher, Hermione!" Tonks greeted excitedly.

The new mother had passed Teddy into her husband's arms and hustled over to her friend.

"Hello, Tonks."

Archie squealed, frustrated that he'd been forgotten about, and squished between two hugging individuals.

"Oh, Archie, I didn't forget about you." Tonks ruffled the short blonde hairs on his head. "How are you?"

"I'm..." struggling to find something to say, "... I'm alright, I guess."

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