Chapter Fifteen

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, plotlines, characters, places, events (etc.) all belong to J.K. Rowling, she is the rightful owner. When a character is created by me, you'll know right away ;)

A/N: This chapter is 94% movie dialogue and 100% long-as-f**k, so I apologize. This is also one of my favorite scenes in the movie, so I hope you enjoy it!


Early hours of 2 May 1998

The alarm had sounded the moment the trio Apparated into Hogsmeade. They could all hear the distant clutters of faculty members searching for the perpetrators of the town.

Ron had his hand placed on her back while hers were clamped tightly over her ears to block out the deafening noise.

"Psst--Potter, come here!"

Harry swiveled his head and beckoned for his best friends to follow him toward the sound.

Harry looked at his feet as a looming figure, whose face barely touched the light of a flickering oil lamp, hurried the trio inside a vaguely familiar building.

Ron gasped behind Hermione and she gazed over at their savior. A flash of piercing blue, filled with happy nostalgia, caught her eye. She knew this man, somehow. She plowed forward and let her mind wander.

"Did you get a good look at him?" Ron inquired privately. "For a second, I thought it was--"

"--I know. Dumbledore."

It wasn't their former headmaster and trusted friend, and they both knew that. Ron and Hermione stood by and watched their friend keel with hurt over Albus Dumbledore's body, and they watched darkness ascend upon Hogwarts.

But still...

Hermione studied her new surroundings precariously, so as not to mistake this helpful man as a possible threat or death eater. Her eyes lingered on a pair of black dress shoes with lace stockings curled at the hem. Frowning, she looked up and saw a beautiful girl, of about fourteen years old, smiling down on her. The girl was limited to a life behind a portrait frame.

In a smaller frame on the next wall, she saw a face. There was a missing shard. But it was Harry.

"Harry?" She squinted her eyes to make out that this enchanted object was a mirror of some kind, although it didn't reflect your image. It was a two-way mirror. "I can see you in here." She turned back to her friend.

Harry looked over his shoulder and at the wall where Hermione had been facing. He'd habitually taken out his shard of glass to see if he could find Dumbledore; but now when he looked into it, he saw the back of Hermione's head and her long brown braid.

The door through which they came closed aggressively, but that didn't phase Harry. He stepped beside Hermione and together they viewed the shard of glass. His was the missing piece to the single two-way mirror.

Before he could open his mouth to confer with her, a baritone voice cut into his words. "Bloody fools, what the devil were you thinking, coming here at a time like this? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"You're Aberforth. Dumbledore's brother."

The old man neither denied nor confirmed Harry's accusation.

"It's you who I've been seeing in the mirror. You're the one who sent Dobby."

"And who do you think sent him to me, eh? Not that it matters," he grumbled, irritated at his rambling tendency. "Where have you left him?"

"Dobby's dead."

"I'm sorry to hear that, I liked that elf."

Hermione realized what Aberforth had said before and had her suspicions. "Who sent Dobby to you?"

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