Chapter Twenty-One

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, plotlines, characters, places, events (etc.) all belong to J.K. Rowling, she is the rightful owner. When a character is created by me, you'll know right away ;)

A/N: There is a specific part in the movie that I particularly didn't care much for over the events that occurred in the movie, so no hate, please. I am fully aware that what I have written isn't true to the movies (obviously this is a Dramione FanFiction) but my reasoning is that I overall agree more with the books.


2 May 1998

Ron kicked around the rubble on the bridge with his heel, miserably counting the seconds that flew by. Hermione stayed by his side, afraid to leave him for fear of what he might irrationally do. And Harry was no less distracted. He too had the current events replaying in his head. The total obliteration of Voldemort, his encounter with his parents, Remus, and Sirius, and overall, the fantastic feat of the battle.

He stepped up onto the broken-down cement railing of the bridge and peered over the edge into the vast space between.

Then he looked up at the painfully bright sky.

The blood under his nose congealed and the awful pounding in his head had ceased. He would continue to be satisfied, yes, despite all those issues. The only lagging problem was the fact that his victory was purchased with death and destruction.

He studied the intricate designs whittled into the Elder Wand.

Then something dawned on him.

Hermione walked back to Harry, millions upon millions of questions in mind, but only one at a time, she promised herself.

"Harry, why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand, I mean."

Harry stepped away from the ledge and gathered with his friends, and they headed back toward the castle. "It answered to somebody else."

Ron and Hermione exchanged confused glances.

"When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his." As he spoke, his pace increased. Almost as if the struggle for something was still not over.

"Wait up, Mate," Ron pleaded, limping a tad.

"But don't you see?"

"See what?"

Harry extended his arm, baring the wand that had caused this battle of world domination. "The wand never belonged to Snape!"


"It was Draco's."


"Draco disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower, therefore, he's--"

Hermione could follow along perfectly. "--Draco's its master."

"Which means the ownership isn't earned by the wizard who kills its former master. So the wand belonged to Malfoy until..." Harry then came to a halt in his haste toward the castle. "The other night when I disarmed him at Malfoy Manor."

"So that means..."

Harry was overcome with something strange. He began fiddling with the magical instrument and twirled it between his fingers. "It's mine."

Hermione stepped in front of him.

"What are we going to do with it?"

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