Chapter Thirty-Three

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, plotlines, characters, places, events (etc.) all belong to J.K. Rowling, she is the rightful owner. When a character is created by me, you'll know right away ;)

A/N: Hey guys... I finally did it. Please, please, please enjoy!


10 May 1998

Dusk was looming overhead and the wind whispered goodnight as it too receded with the daylight.

Draco sat in the family room, just holding his son. The Weasleys, of course, were all still present, and laughing and sharing merry tales from the past, but he paid no mind. He couldn't, even if he tried.

He was enamored by this infant. And unlike his love with Hermione, this type of love came as naturally to him as blinking and breathing. Everything about Archie was perfect, his eyes were brown and rich with gold, just like his mother's, his skin was soft like the coat of a flutterby petal, and he only ever seemed to smile at the world. He hated to admit it, but this child was most definitely going to be sorted in Gryffindor.

"... Well, we ought to head off," Bill announced. "Goodnight everybody."

Draco cried, "Wait!" He cautiously laid the sleepy baby in Hermione's arms and sprinted across the room to catch up to the leaving pair.

"Wait, Bill, Fleur." He stopped for a second to catch his breath. "Nice to see you again, first of all," he added as an afterthought to Fleur, "but I really wanted to thank you guys for taking care of Archie. Yesterday there was only one thing I loved and valued more than life itself but today I have two. And while I realize you've taken care of Hermione throughout these years as her family, I know she can also take care of herself. But Archie can't. As much as he needed his Mum, he really needed a family to love him. That wasn't readily available to him, but you guys were. And you did, you love him and took care of him. I am indebted to you."

"Malfoy, we didn't know you were so sentimental!" George blurted from behind.

"Don't listen to my idiot brother," Bill said. "And you're right. We do love him and we will continue loving him even after. You don't need to pay us back; it's all 'water under the bridge,' as Muggles say."

He turned back and glanced at Hermione. What the hell does water in a bridge have to do with anything? She stifled a giggle and shook her head.

Draco was unprepared for the four appendages that quickly consumed him in one massive hug. As much as he fought the urge to groan and pull away from members of the family he'd grown to despise, he couldn't evade the feelings of warmth and compassion that tugged at his heart and melted the tension in his muscles.

They released him shortly and he turned to face every one of the Weasleys and Harry. He willed the tears to drain inconspicuously from the ducts of his eyes.

"I don't expect you to readily offer your forgiveness, but please know that I lament every poor decision that has brought me down the wrong path. I will contribute to this family as much as you will let me because I know this is Hermione's family. I would grant Hermione the world if it were in my possession, and with time, I'd like to feel the same for you as well."

"Don't be daft, Draco, of course we forgive you," Molly exclaimed, already on her way to envelope him in a bear hug.

"Oh--" he didn't bother to protest this one.

Sensing his apprehension, Molly pulled away and gave his face a few light taps.

Would it make me seem weak if I told Mrs. Weasley how much that hurt? Yes... Draco grimaced.

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