Time for an Upgrade

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Izuku had always known there would be opponents he just wouldn't be able to fight. Even after getting into UA he had known he was outclassed when it came to sheer power or unstoppable speed.

And seeing the Nomu and All Might in action only proved his point. Despite his skill, strength, and everything he had, he needed to find a way to level the playing field, even if by the smallest margin possible.

That's why he found himself standing outside the large doors that separated him from the development studio on his day off. He had asked a few teachers who his best bet would be for support gear, and most of them recommended a "Mei Hatsume".

He knocked on the large metal doors a few times, which were pulled open a few seconds later.

"How can we help you?" Power Loader asked. He was a bit shorter than Izuku had expected. And shirtless, for some reason.

"I've been told that this 'Mei Hatsume' could help me with a costume. Is she available at the moment?" He lifted his numbered suitcase to show the teacher with the yellow, mechanical dinosaur head.

As if to answer his question, a pink haired girl pretty much materialized in front of him.

"You need a costume? Well come right in!" She was a bit too overjoyed for Izuku's liking, but he couldn't stop her from literally dragging him into the workshop. The entire place was filled with tools, large desks, and sophisticated machinery.

"So what kind of changes are you looking for?" the energetic girl asked. She had already broken out a handful of tools and looked ready to take apart the first thing he handed over.

"Well, I don't actually have a costume to change. I was hoping to just look around to see what kind of support items you had lying around."

"You need a costume? Well, how about this?"

Somehow, despite every law of physics, he was wearing a bulky robotic suit before he could even see what was happening.

"That's my baby number forty-nine. It's a power suit that reads contractions in your muscles and moves itself for you," she explained. With a press of a button the suit began to turn. His arms moved almost on their own accord and walking felt effortless despite the heavy metal.

"Admittedly impressive, but it's too slow. And it's just not what I need," Izuku offered. Once again, all laws of physics seemed to be ignored as the suit disappeared without a trace.

"Fine, let's start from scratch," Mei suggested. A large sheet of blueprint paper was pulled from a drawer and stretched out on a table. Mei began to sketch a rough outline of the costume and would occasionally have Izuku fill in finer details. "So what do you already have for gear?"

"I have a chained weapon, a bunch of knives, a gauntlet for my right hand and an extendable staff."

"Okay... why don't we look though that pile there?" she offered with a point towards a mountain of inventions. The two stepped over and pulled item after item from the collection. There were helmets of all shapes and sizes, wings, gloves, and everything in between.

"What's this?" the green haired teen asked while inspecting another glove.

"That's sort of a wind directing glove. It lets the wearer shoot bubbles of air like those airzooka toys," the yellow eyed girl replied.

Izuku slipped the glove onto his left hand. It was a little big, but he could work with it.

"Do you think you could change this to shoot smaller projectiles at higher speeds? You know, like air bullets? And make it just a tad smaller?" he asked.

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