13: The Hunters' village

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There is no better exercise for my weary lungs than trying to have a vigorous chat with Ciro while, at the same time, trying to match his unconsciously racing pace. Ciro seemed so eager to teach me everything he knows that he has forgotten that humans cannot move as fast as hybrids. Less than five minutes have passed since Ciro has officially taken responsibility for me, and I was beginning to miss Darius' relaxed pace. From now on it would be to adapt, or to be left behind.

The large open meadow we were walking through was deceptively rugged. Seen from a distance, it seemed to be a flat and pleasant terrain to take a walk, but when I started walking on it I realized that it was full of holes and the occasional piece of grass and dirt that was ripped off ruthlessly, possibly due to a fight between a pair of hybrids, or just as evidence of a training session, since we were in the middle of the Hunters' training ground right now.

The place was peaceful and without much activity, enough so that Ciro and I could walk without risk of being run over by another hybrid. The first bit of civilization closest to us was the archery range, this area was lined with wooden fences, and the multiple lanes marked on the floor ended in shooting targets. A large watchtower at least ten meters high stands in one corner of the firing range. The few people who were practicing were so focused on their training that Ciro did not bother to greet them, some human Hunters were checking that the tension of the sturdy wooden bows was correct, and I even had the opportunity to appreciate the dexterity of one of them, seeing the Hunter hitting the target while riding on the back of his hybrid companion, running at high speed.

Ciro let me appreciate the practices for a couple more minutes before continuing our journey, as I had been mesmerized by the discipline of those Hunters. << We still have many things to see >> I repeat Ciro's words to myself, and although I would like to stay and watch the rest of the practice, I could not afford to lose sight of Ciro. However, there was still a whole village to visit.

We left the shooting range behind us, and I was already praying that our final destination was near, as my legs were starting to cramp from walking from Medical Bay to the other end of Cilt right after I was discharged, and not counting on the best physical condition. But my prayers seem to have been answered at last. In front of us stood a monumental entrance in the shape of a great arched door made of nothing more than logs and ropes expertly tied, the sturdy monument had been invaded by climbing flowers of vibrant colors, and flags of all sizes of the Hunter rank adorned its vast surface, indicating the entrance to one of the most populated areas of Cilt.

- Here we are. Welcome to the Hunters village, Tyler.- Ciro reaffirms me with a cheerful and energetic tone, letting out an indiscreet laugh when realizing that I've had my mouth open for longer than I would have liked to admit

Ciro steps forward to pass under the great arch, still impatient to show me the places he wanted me to see. I do not have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of that entrance for too long, but something told me that I would have a lot of time later to admire it up close. I follow Ciro as closely as possible, which was no longer so difficult, as the outgoing blue Porsche greeted and conversed with literally anyone, human or hybrid who stopped to greet us, which were many. The change in the landscape once past the entrance arch was overwhelming, it was like going through a portal that on one side led you to an open area of ​​the forest, and on the other, it housed a bustling city, very similar to the center of the delegation of the E.M. I lived in before I came to Cilt.

It was like being back in the Metropolis, with its tall and elegant buildings and businesses, although many of the constructions showed a clear deterioration and abandonment. The forest had already begun to eat into this old city, although the citizens of Cilt worked their magic to restore color and life to buildings that had ended up as a pile of rubble given the necessary time. With paved streets and commercial activity, here hybrids and humans coexisted in peace, getting involved in the same activities that were carried out in the streets, from serving food stalls and barter businesses, to small agglomerations of citizens interested in hearing the latest news on the radio, needing a person who had one ear right next to the old device, and thus repeat aloud everything they heard, as the sorrounding noise easily consumed the weak chatter of the old radio speakers.

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