4: Public enemy

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The notorious sound of the alarm makes me aware again, separating myself from my comfortable and warm sleep with the subtle blow of the noisy alarm that echoed in my room on the second floor of the house, whose sound was heard as far as the garage.

It was a bit hard for me to open my eyes but I had no choice, because today was supposed to be Saturday in the morning, obligatory day of work for all the young people of the European Metropolis. One day we all wish it did not exist, but it was necessary due to the lack of someone else to do those simple, but extremely boring jobs.

Even though I was still lying on my right side, it was not difficult for me to see Iker who was still asleep, ignoring the annoying alarm completely. I wish I could have that level of heavy sleep to rest all day, but the terrible truth is that I was always a light sleeper and any noise, no matter how small it is, manages to wake me up. That in addition to that my body began to hurt me for having slept on the floor were enough reasons to get up. I sit on the blankets I had used as an impromptu bed and try to wake up, taking advantage of the moment to make a quick visual check of Iker's wounds. He looked good, there was remarkable improvement compared to last night he arrived totally exhausted and with his bleeding wounds, now he only looked tired, but actually better. Their smaller scrapes were almost impossible to identify. Hybrids are lucky to heal so quickly naturally, unlike humans who must tolerate the same bruise for more than a week.

The irritating alarm was already starting to bother me a little, so I got up and walked in the direction of my room to silence it once and for all. It is necessary to remove the batteries of the alarm to finally be quiet, and once the house is silent again my ears must endure an uncomfortable whistle to have become accustomed to the shrieking device, but it does not take long to get used to the silence of the house again, and the empty neighborhood in general.

Taking advantage of the fact that I was in my room, I decided to change my clothes to a more suitable one to work with. On Saturdays I was in charge of loading and unloading merchandise from a large shopping center in the downtown area of ​​the E.M. So my jeans and any shirt would help me to work without many impediments, in addition to the gloves that we must use for safety reasons, as well as the boots that I liked to wear, even if that means that my feet froze if I did not put on enough thick socks.

Once my attire was decent I went on to fix my hair that I was almost sure would be a disaster like every morning, and indeed all my red hair was oriented towards one side as if a magnet was attracting it. It suffices to wet it a little and stir it up so that it returns to its original position, because I have never put too much care in fighting with my rebellious hair. When I looked straight into the mirror I could have sworn that I had woken up with more freckles than usual, but when I focused my vision well I realized that they had always been the same. Even if my body is full of freckles, it is not so difficult to notice when a new one has come out.

Feeling a little better and clearly awake, I enter the kitchen in search of something that would satisfy the hunger I already felt at this time of the morning, only to find the odd surprise that there was nothing in the refrigerator that did not need a precise, complex preparation. I close the refrigerator door and resign myself to going back to the garage in search of the bread and jam I had used to feed Iker last night, because that would become my breakfast now. I carry both inside the house and I settle into the only armchair in the room, which fortunately was quite spacious.

When feeling a little silence in the house I decided to turn on the small projector that was already integrated to the wall of the house, which served perfectly as a normal television. The first channel being one of my favorites, belonging to a chain of scientific disclosure I liked the content that showed in their reports and documentaries, so I decided to see it while having breakfast. As I passed the time I was able to realize that today's programming was conveniently about hybrids. This was one of the many other documentaries about them that had already been made since the hybrids were known worldwide, but having one of them asleep in my house gave me reasons to put a little attention into what was said in documentary film.

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