15: Wolves and Hunters

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This morning I decided not to leave anything to luck. Everything will be fine today, because today I have decided to have a great day in my training with Adara, and the Hunter recruits.

Right after I woke up and dressed in the fittest set of clothes I had in my possession, I headed to the same restaurant in the Hunter's Village where I had devoured a huge bowl of noodles the previous day. Unfortunately, today they had no noodles, today's breakfast was a thick brown broth of dubious composition that did not whet my appetite at first glance, but the smell told me it had to be a lentil and bacon soup that, although it was not pleasant to the view, it turned out to be a more than decent meal.

- You can tell when the Metropolis stops sending supplies to Cilt, boy. When Mrs. Sho cooks lentils, it's because we're screwed. -

Mrs. Sho, the portly and stern owner of the small restaurant, rolls up her knitting magazine and smacks the old lumberjack next to me for daring to make fun of her food, causing me to nearly choke on the spoonful of lentils I just put in my mouth.

While I didn't fully understand how the lentils were related to the lack of supplies, I was beginning to realize that the people here managed their food rations given by the Cilt government in a peculiar way; As a citizen, you have the option to withdraw your daily rations from the food bank and prepare your food yourself, or in the case of most citizens with at least one rank, transfer your rations directly to your favorite restaurant and eat for "free" in said restaurant.

When I asked Mrs. Sho why she never told me I had to pay for her food, she simply stroked my hair with her heavy, sturdy hand in the sweetest way a coarse woman like her can, making me understand not to worry about it.

With a cup of coffee in my hands, I decided to return to the H Tower until it was time to leave for downtown Cilt for training. Nervousness fights to take over my body, but that was easily controlled by the heat that entered my body with each sip of coffee. Questions intensely bombard my head. What would I face today? How inexperienced are the rest of the recruits? Did Adara really think I qualified for her training group? ...

Why was Marione's voice being heard from inside the H Tower?

- You're making a huge mistake, you understand that right?... You don't know who you're messing with! -

- Of course I know who you are. A troublemaker. That's what you are. -

- My name is Marione. M-A-R-I-O-N-E. If you really knew who I am you would call me by my name! -

- Don't worry, the Warriors are already on their way, they do know you by name. -

- You can't do this to me. I have influence with the Leaders! My father is Leader Darius's counselor! -

- Then, I will be pleased if Leader Darius comes and tells me that in person. -

I walk slowly into the lobby of the H Tower, and what I find in front of me almost makes me spill my coffee. Roger, the tower manager, was forcing Marione into the elevator that is supposed to be "forbidden." Marione squirms and tries with all her might to free herself from the grip of the man much more robust than her, without success. The only thing left for her was to use brute force.

Despite Marione being considerably smaller in size, Roger had a hard time overcoming her strength, so much so that some of the Hunters currently present at the reception joined the scuffle. Marione snapped at anyone who tried to push her into the elevator, until she looked up at just the right moment, making eye contact with me. I froze in place, not sure what was going on, or what I was supposed to do.

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