5: Change of side

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I didn't feel that had passed more than three hours. My knees were beginning to hurt, numbed by the position I had been sitting on the floor for so long since I returned from work.

The desire to do anything else had vanished. Iker would probably already be interned in some laboratory, and they would be doing any kind of chemical testing, or questioning him in atrocious ways. Each of the images that came to my head was worse than the previous one. I have the curse of having a terribly creative and detailed mind to imagine such things.

Only the pain in my legs and the smell of the meat I had brought had been enough excuse to get me up from the floor. My face also hurt because I cried so much, although that was not the biggest of my problems. With some awkwardness I got up from the floor and shook my clothes, the floor was dirty from the dirt that Iker had on his wheels.

... Iker.- His face would not be one that I would forget so easily, and it was a shame I had not met him before. But now it only remains to hope that he does not suffer so much, and pray for the E.M. to give him a pardon for being an hybrid of Cilt ... although internally I doubted that he would be forgiven that easily, the laws towards hybrids will always be rigid.

I entered the house to take refuge again from the cold, because the night was coming and it had started to rain and the combination of both was not good. I do not even have the force to carry the bags of meat into the house. Anyway, the refrigerator did not work, and the meat would stay cooler in the garage than in the interior. I would figure out how to eat that large amount of meat so it does not rot in the next few weeks.

Even though I have lived alone for two years now, the house has never been so silent. I got too used to the company of someone else now the house felt empty. In an attempt to make that silence less noticeable I decide to turn on for a moment the old radio that my mother had forgotten to pack before moving, that radio has accompanied the family from my mother's great-great-grandfather, and for some strange reason it still works, although I am afraid that it is already in the last, because it is using the last lithium batteries that I found one day in an antique shop. Anyway, it does not have very good sound quality, but it makes me nostalgic every time I turn it on, imagining what the world should have been like before the Third Great War.

The music played quietly in the room, relaxing me a little. I sit on the sofa focusing only on the music, humming the melody from time to time, fulfilling the function of calming a little my nerves and the pain I felt towards Iker. Suddenly the music stops abruptly, giving way to the anthem of the M.E. and with this, unexpectedly, a message from Aron Novak himself, the president of the European Metropolis.

"Good evening to all the citizens of the European Metropolis, I am talking to you tonight to make known the security measures that will be implemented as of tonight due to the recent sightings of Vortex in the perimital areas of our capital. "- The president keeps silent for a few moments .-" ... As of tonight, there will be a curfew at twenty-two hours, the electricity supply to homes will be cut at that hour and will be again activated at eight o'clock in the morning. Motion detection devices will be placed around the entire periphery of the Metropolis in the following days, with this we can accurately detect the passage of hybrids and people at any time of the day. As a preventive measure and to encourage the proper use of daylight hours and the protection of the citizens themselves, anyone caught wandering in the streets after the curfew will be taken by anti-hybrid security agents to the closest police office, being the creditor of a fine for infringing internal security laws. We hope that these measures will improve the security of the European Metropolis thanks to the active participation of its citizens. Thank you very much for your attention, and good evening. "-

Hybrid Lamborghini .Vol1 ENGLISHWhere stories live. Discover now