2: First contact

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Those horrible laments were becoming more and more noticeable. That hybrid sounded as if it were going to die.

It may sound illogical that, being the son of the person who created the hybrids, never in my life have I seen one of them despite my closeness to the neutral zone of the E.M., where the exiles are allowed to stay the rest of their lives, if they do not prefer to move to the forest first.

I get out of the shower, and I see my skin a little irritated by the acid rain, it had a reddish color that is not particularly pleasing to me, so I go back to the garage to look for the first aid kit, which my mother installed strategically just before the door, before she went to work in America but that's another story.

I open it carefully to prevent the small door from falling off because of the rust, and I carefully remove the plastic bag that holds a round container of ointment. It's cold and wet, but I still put it on my burns.

And there it is again. That fearsome roar, desperate to be attended, was heard closer, or was it my nerves? I did not know and I would not like to know. But the doubt persists.

That hybrid was wounded, I could identify pain in its cry.

Something inside tells me not to do anything, stay at home and try to rest a bit, recovering energy for the day of work that awaits me tomorrow, but ... there is something else, that somehow I cannot explain, makes me feel guilty

Since I was a kid, I always liked to save little animals from the street by letting them enter the house, but when I returned from school the next day, my mother had already disposed of them.

I know that what was out there was not a puppy or a kitten, it was a hybrid, one of the most dangerous creatures to human beings, mainly because of its aggressive and territorial behavior that they usually have even with those of their own species. I just can't go out and offer it a den away from the acid rain.

I'm not going out to help it.- I said to myself.- ... I should not, they would cause me to betray the E.M. or something similar if they see me helping it. Besides, I do not know which of the two factions exiled him ... it's a shame-

After the great civil war in which the European Metropolis expelled from its city all the hybrids, many groups of these beings were created, but the biggest ones were the Vortex community, whose ideology was always the contempt of the human race. But there was also the Cilt community, which, although they were not against humans, was not in their favor either. It was more than anything, a neutral community between the two parties to the problem, a group that took as a place to stay the ruins of a city close to ours, whose lights have been seen a few years ago on the horizon. It is known that there are people living in Cilt, and that they have formed a prosperous city based on respect for both species, in which hybrids and humans, are in charge of government.

But ... not everything is perfect in both cities, and there are times when you have to take drastic measures. If an individual commits a serious fault to the ideology of the city he resides, he is exiled and he is forbidden to return, and he is duly marked to warn any being, whether he is human or hybrid and to think twice before helping them.

Now (returning to the hybrid outside my house), if this is an exile from Vortex, that means that his only serious fault was, maybe, helping a human. Which would not mean a potential danger, at least not for now.

But, if he's an exile from Cilt ... that would mean he could kill me if I ever approached him. Depending on the faction, they put a different exile mark on you. Vortex usually kill their exiles if they do not survive by escaping with deadly wounds all over their bodies. The Cilt limited to tattooing them with a symbol, similar to a V with an interspersed X, possible abbreviation of "Vortex"

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