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I stand in between Malia and Lydia as we stand around the table in Argent's bunker. Last night didn't go very well to say the least. Scott, Malia, Liam, and Lori were searching for Brett in the woods when they tracked him into the tunnels.

The hunter they were going after, everyone just thought they were a beginner. That thought quickly changed when Scott ended up stepping in a trap sending an arrow through his stomach. I scolded him for not being more careful.

Malia stayed back to help Scott while Liam and Lori continued forward to find Brett. It didn't take long for Scott and Malia to realize Gerard was behind this, and he just sent his beta into another trap.

Lori found Brett and they were climbing out of the tunnels when Liam also realized that it was a trap. As soon as Brett and Lori got out of the tunnel, they were hit by a car. Everyone was upset to find out the siblings were dead after they had been through so much.

When Liam climbed up and saw that they were dead,  he lost control and shifted on front of a dozen people. We were already on edge because of the whole Nolan thing, and Liam shifting proved his point that there are supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills.

"They were murdered." Scott placed Brett's lacrosse stick on the table. "Killed by the new hunter in Beacon Hills."

"When they took out the Hellhound, we thought that it was luck." I add. "That we were dealing with an amateur. But now we know that whoever this new hunter is, he has a teacher."

"Gerard." Argent answered. "Which means this is my fault. I'm the one who let him go."

"You couldn't have done anything." Lydia tried to console him. 

"He could've killed him." Malia said making is all look at her. "Just saying."

"We're not executioners." Lydia said. I couldn't help but disagree.

"You are when it comes to war."

"That's why we're gonna make peace." Scott said. Lydia scoffed at him.

"With Gerard?"

"Lydia, you know what's coming. We all keep using the same word." Scott said.

"War." Lydia answered.

"So what stops a war from happening?" Scott asked.

"Peace summit." Argent answered.

Scott nodded in agreement. "Right. We meet face-to-face with Gerard. Find out what he wants and then we stop all this before it gets any worse."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked skeptically. "Last time Gerard was at a peace meet it was with Deucalion. He blinded him and then killed everybody else, including his own men."

"I'll go." Argent volunteered. "I know he's not going to kill me."

"You sure about that?" Malia asked.

"Not really." He answered honestly.

"All we need is to find out what he wants. Then we can bargain." Scott said.

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