Chapter Five

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Izuku P.O.V.

"I thought that was always the plan?"

They all looked a bit shocked. "What?" "O-of course that wasn't the plan! We wouldn't force you into something so serious!" All Might was clenching his fist. "Well, wasn't that how I was suppose-to gain your trust? I mean I don't expect you to just hand over your quirk. So, I thought after a while of me being in the league you would give me your quirk."

Aizawa smirked "I was wrong All Might." All Might shot his head to the side to look at Aizawa. "The kid has what it takes to do the job." "What made you change your mind?" "Well, the fact that he expected to go in there without a quirk, just to prove to us that he is worthy of your quirk is good enough for me." All Might smiled "You need not to prove anything young Midoriya I was going to give you my quirk no matter your decision. But, if you need time to think now that you know it is optional is absolutely fine-" "N-NO! I want to do it."

Nezu put his paws in front of him and smiled "Perfect, then let's talk about the plan shall we?" "W-what do you mean?" I was so nervous I couldn't thinking clearly "I don't want to seem like a coward. I want to help, but can I? Can I even do this?" Aizawa put his hand on my shoulder "The first thing we should do is get that mumbling under control." I slapped my mouth and my face started glowing a bright red.

Aizawa chuckled a bit. "Kid you wouldn't be a coward for not doing this but, the first thing you need to do is believe in yourself." A smiled shyly at him "T-thank you" He let go and Nezu started talking "We can't do anything about the mumbling, you will just have to learn to catch yourself." I just nodded at him "Anyways, this is what I was thinking we should do-"

He spent the next few minutes going over the plan. Essentially he said that they only people who know about this are a few people in the government and the people in the room. That I would be pardoned of all crimes, and that they believe a former threat is rebuilding through the league. That we can't make anything solid due to the fact that we simply do not know what I will be doing. But, they told me to tell the league about All Might's quirk and that they want me to be a double agent.

"W-what? You want me to tell them that I'm a double agent?" "Yes if you tell them this, then they will trust you more." Nezu sounded confident in this "How can you know for sure, what if they try to kill me on the spot?" "I'll be their kid; I won't let them do anything to you." Aizawa gave me a reassuring smile. I felt the doubt and fear start to settle in and the tears started to form, but I pushed them down. I nodded at them "And what is this, threat that you mentioned?"

The atmosphere in the room shifted immediately. "His name is All for One" The fear in All Might's voice startled me. "I fought him a few years ago, and I believed him to be dead before you told me about this league." All Might's voice cut out. "Midoriya, as you know All Might destroyed all organized crime in his career as a hero, so it is reasonable to believe that he is back simply due to the fact that no one else would have the influence and power to rebuild organized crime." Nezu voice was hard and monotone, as if he was trying to push back his emotions not to scare me.

"H-how do you expect me to get information on a league that is led by a man that you can hardly talk about because of your fear?" My voice cracked; I couldn't help it. "Its precisely why we are sending you Midoriya, otherwise there would be no need. They would collapse in time, but if he is behind this then we need to put an end to it before it picks up traction." I gulped "R-right sorry." "Kid" I looked over at Aizawa "Now is your chance to back out, like I said you wouldn't be a coward." "No" I responded quickly, before I had time to think about it "I can't not do it now, not when it as important as this." Aizawa smiled and patted my shoulder.

"A-anyways, I-I told Mirio that I would go see them after this, but I don't know where the dorms are."

"I'll take you young Midoriya, I wish to talk to you anyways." All I could do is nod. We got up and left the room.

It was a nice day out. It was getting close to the evening, so it was cool out with a bit of a breeze. "You amaze me young Midoriya." I could feel my eyes widen as I looked up at him. "W-why I haven't done anything." All Might laughed "Nothing, huh? So, fighting against society is nothing? Overcoming hatred, heart break, and coming out of it with a smile is nothing?" I felt tears come down my face "Not only that, but you planned on infiltrating a league of villains to prove that you are worthy of a quirk from a man that you hate."

All Might stopped and put his hand on my shoulder "You are nothing short of amazing." He smiled at me "I was a pillar Midoriya, but even the mightiest of pillars crumble. But you are a light, and light will always pierce the darkness and guide those lost in it." "But doesn't light eventually fade?" I looked away from him. "Not as long as there is someone looking for that light." I looked up at him "Th-thank you." "Don't thank me for simply telling you the truth."

We walked in silene until we saw the dorms. "Rest up young man, your training begins tomorrow." "Alright I will"

"What did they want to talk about?" Nejire tilted her head to the side. "Just the training regimen and the studies about my condition, but since my medical records were brought up, they have to keep it private which is why you guys couldn't stay." "Oh, okay! Well, we finished up our dorms. This will be the third years dorms, so you'll have to move again when the school year starts, but we are on the second floor. We are at the edge of the hallway, I'm the last door in the hall, your right next to me, and Mirio and Tamaki are sharing a room on the other side of yours."

"A-All right thank you. I'm going to go unpack now." "Wait! Do you need any help?" "N-no thank you. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I walked upstairs, down to my room. I went in, locked the door behind me and collapsed to the ground and started crying.

"Why did I think I could do this?" I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face into them, to stifle my sobs. "I can't even keep my thoughts to myself, let alone infiltrate a league led by someone even All Might fears." I looked up "What will happen if they figure me out?" I grabbed my face "What if I have to hurt someone?" Then the realization set in.

"What if I have to kill someone?"

A/N: Hi guys, don't have much to say so as always feel free to leave feedback, and have a good day :)

Shattered  (up for adoption)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora