Chapter Sixteen

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Warning: Abuse and torture.

Izuku P.O.V. One day after the Entrance Exam

"Izuku, you do understand that I don't hate you right?" I couldn't talk, the pain was too consuming. "It would do you good if you answered me." "I-I understand." My voice was raw from the pain. Shigaraki sighed. "But, failure is unacceptable even for you. It doesn't matter who you are in the league, a mere grunt, or you my second. Failing me will require punishment." I nodded at him to showed that I understood. "Hmm I will call the doctor back in, and Izuku I am impressed with you. I've been dismantling you with my quirk and the doc has been putting you back together for a day now, yet you haven't screamed. Just tears, the master wasn't kidding when he said you had quite the pain tolerance." I kept my deep sorrow in. "It's only been a day?!" "Doc! Come back in here."

"It's time to start again Izuku." He walked up to me. "I could fight back, escape." I was shirtless and chained to a chair, but I shock that thought out of my head. "Idiot! All for One would kill you before you even got out of the building." Shigaraki put his hand in my abdomen area and my body started to decay. Blood filled my mouth, both from me biting down on my tongue to stop me from screaming and from my organs being disintegrated. Tears streamed down my face. After a few seconds the doc came over and put me back together before Shigaraki put his hand on my shoulder. Again, my mouth filled with blood from me biting down on my tongue, and again the doctor put me back together. The seconds felt like hours and the hours felt like weeks.

Time skip: About a week.

The door opened and Shigaraki came in. "Last day, I can do this." I haven't screamed once, I refused to give them the satisfaction. Eventually Shigaraki did notice that I was biting down on my tongue and had the doctor fix that as well. "Izuku, today was supposed to be your last day of punishment, but it is ending early. Something has come up." I looked up with my eyes wide "What could have happened?" Shigaraki came over and disintegrated the chains. "Can you stand?"

Surprisingly, I could. "Good, you won't 100% for another couple weeks, but you have a job." I looked down and moved my hands. I was surprised at how well the doctor did. "What is the job?" I looked back up and he had a serious expression on his face. "Someone discovered the Nomu lab." "How is that even possible? It is one of the most protected facilities we have, even if someone did see it they would be dead." "We have no idea how they discovered it, but they got away because of their speed. Which is why we need you." I was confused, who can keep up with a small army worth of bullets? "Which hero?" "Ingenium, we need you to leave right now while we know where he is. He is on his way back to his agency to mount a report and call for emergency back up." Shigaraki handed me my wrist band and mask. "Get ready and Kurogiri will ship you out."

Then Kurogiri walked in the room as Shigaraki left. I put on the wrist band and pushed the button, my suite and chains started to cover my body. Afterwards I put my mask on. "Are you ready to go, master Silence?" "I am." He opened a portal in front of me and when I walked through, I was on a roof top and felt a gust of wind rush beside me. "He is still in the outskirts of the city, good." I activated my quirk at 25% and pushed off, cracking the roof top. Ingenium looked back and spotted me and pushed his quirk further. "How annoying." I pushed One for All to 30% and I felt pain shoot up my entire body. "Damn it, it isn't usually this bad. I guess Shigaraki did say I won't be back to full strength for another two weeks." I pushed through the pain, knowing that if I failed again that I would most likely be killed this time.

Soon, I was catching him again. He seemed caught off guard, but before he could push his quirk any further I sent a chain and wrapped it around his legs. Tripping him long enough for me to go down there and break one of his legs. He screamed in pain. "Now is that anyway for a hero to act when one of their limbs are broken?" He looked up at me, in total fear now. "Y-you're not Silence are you?" I forced out a chuckle, knowing that the league is still listening though the wrist band. "I am" Total fear struck him then. "P-please don't cut out my tongue! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I won't tell anyone I promise! Please I have a family, a younger brother! I have to be able to be there for him, to talk to him! Please! Please!" I scoffed at him "Let me guess, this brother of yours want to be a hero? You want to give him advice on how to do that? No, you made the mistake in going into a corrupt business full of merciless murders and unremorseful abusers. While I was forced into doing this. Why would I have any mercy on you?" I felt tears run down my face as I removed his helmet and saw a look of pure terror. And as I thought of the family that I'm ruining.

I grabbed him by the jaw, he started to fight back so I had to crush his jaw. Then I cut out his tongue, and his raw screams filled the alley. Then he passed out from the pain. "How sad." I toke a larger, sharper knife in my belt and cut all his fingers off from the knuckle up. Then I called the authorities, so they could find him before he bled out. I pushed another button on the wrist band and Kurogiri opened a portal and I walked through. "Thank you Izuku, you did well. But, you should go get bandaged up and rest for school tomorrow."

Later that night

"Please stop!" I was sobbing on the ground, with an angry Bakugo standing over me. "Why the hell did you try and hug me at school today!? I told you I don't want anyone knowing that I'm gay, let alone dating a quirkless loser like you!" He used his quirk on my side, flying me across the room. "I'm sorry! I was just trying to tell you happy birthday." I mumbled the last part. He came back over and used his quirk again on me. "Don't try to make it seem like you were trying to make me happy! If you were then you would have done it after school, you idiot." Then he hugged me. "Let's go celebrate now." I woke up in a pool of my sweat, crying. "I can still smell my flesh burning from all the times he used his quirk on me." I started sobbing. "Why did you ever stay with him? You idiot."

The next morning the doctor wrapped me in bandages and Kurogiri sent me to school through the portal and the last thing that Shigaraki said to me before I left was "Don't forget the main point of you going to this school is for you to get information. Once that is over we are pulling you out." I wasn't to come back to the league or make contact unless I found something out. And it seemed they stated to trust me, because they toke the wrist band back saying that they need to make adjustments to it.

I was a few minutes late to class. But when I walked in the last person I expected to see and the last person I wanted to see again was sitting right there in front of me. "Bakugo, what they hell are you doing in my class!?" He looked equally as surprised, but instead of the fear I felt. He looked disgusted. "Midoriya! Are you ok?" I looked at the back and there was Shoto sitting in the last seat in the second row and Yaoyorozu sitting in the last seat in the third row. I rubbed the back of my head and laughed "Yeah, I just had a bit of an accident while my family did a last second vacation." Shoto had a concern look on his face. "What kind of accident?" I hesitated for a second. "W-well, ugh-" "Izuku, come see me outside for a second." Shota walked in, and concern flashed on his face for a moment before going back to his usual tired and care free expression.

"Y-Yeah of course."

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sure most of you guessed this already, but Bakugo is the abusive Ex that Izuku is struggling with. I will go more into detail in their past in future chapters, so you can look forward to that. Anyways, thank you for reading, please feel free to leave feedback, and have a good day. :) 

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