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Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 53

Chapter 1: The Beginning.

Dark...why is it so dark in here?

. . . Wait...there's three slits of light infront of me..crowded space..this must be a locker...
Since the light is coming from infront of me I'm assuming I'm facing the door so...

He pushed on the door as it swung open and making the boy fall over

. . .

"Hey? Hmm who are you?"

A blonde girl appeared infront of him smiling softly. The boy sat up and looked at the girl tugging at his hat "S-Shuichi Saihara..are you the one that brought me here?..no thats a stupid question of course it isnt you.." the boy awkwardly mumbled as he stood up and dusted himself off "why are you so sure of that?" The girl tilted her head attempting to make eyes contact with shuichi, and of course failed seen as the boy looked away or down at his feet avoiding her magenta eyes

"W-well first off..you're quite unthreatening as far as i could tell, second i dont see why a kidnapper would be so casual about their victims escaping their holding cell or in this case...locker" shuichi mumbled putting a hand on his chin in a thoughtful position "quite the detective are we? anyway I'm kaede Akamatsu! The ultimate pianist, whats yours? You know, your ultimate?" Shuichi looked up at kaede and gave her an awkward sideways smile "u-ultimate detective" kaede giggled "fitting! why dont we look around see what we can find on this misterious kidnapper? Maybe there's more like us!" She cheered clenching her fist

she seems very headstrong

"R-right..thats a good idea" shuichi chilled quietly and adjusted his hat.

They walked around in the dark and creepy hallways eventually finding a small room where two boys were arguing

One had purple hair and one had white hair..he looked like a robot?
"OO! One more question~ do robots have dicks?" The purple one pestered both his fists up in excitement "O-Ouma-kun stop with these robophobic remarks!" "Its not a remark its an important question! Do they?" the smaller one pushed. Kaede and shuichi stood awkwardly and stared at the two boys before kaede loudly cleared her throat getting both boy's attention "Wah- oh! Hello~ and who might you be?" The purple haired boy tilted his head switching his curios glare between the two kids infront of him

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu the ultimate pianist"

"I'm shuichi saihara the ultimate-"

Ouma interrupted and everyone gave him a look "y-yes..how'd you know?" Shuichi questioned "just a feeling! Anyway I'm Kokichi Ouma the ultimate supreme leader! So you better bow before me peasants! And this is Kibboy i guess." He switched from his energetic dominant voice to an uninterested one in the blink of an eye and kiiboy was it? "That is untrue! My name is K1B0 but you can call me kibo! I'm the ultimate robot. Pleasure to meet you" the robot stuck out his hand at the two kids. Kaede shook it while shuichi waited untill they were done and did the same

Kibbo and kaede exchanged info but all shuichi could do was study the short purple boy...
He was...interesting to say the least. In the few minutes he though no one payed a attention to him he did at a lot of weird things. He walked from one end of the room to the other with his feet following eachother one right after the other. He jumped up on shelves and looked out the widows for a bout 2 minutes. When he was done with the windows he looked at every single item on the shelfs and took a screw driver and hair pins. That was all in the span of 7 minutes.

That was until shuichi decided to interrupt and walk over to the boy as kaede and Kibbo continued talking. "S-sorry if I'm interrupting b-but what were you doing?" Shuichi softly asked. Ouma turned around immediately and gave him a cold death glare that lasted for about a minute until his face morphed back to its original cheeky grin "i feel like i know ya!" He redirected the conversation getting verry close to shuichi "h-how so?"  Kokichi placed a finger on his cheek and thought for a second "dunno! You are pretty hot for a random detective i met 10 minutes ago! Nishishi~" He giggled. Shuichi took a step back and adjusted his hat

... h o t ?

"Y-you didnt answer the question!" Shuichi reminded feeling blush slowly creep onto his cheeks "oh! Right. I was examining the area. And found some good stuff to pick locks if i want!" The short boy explained "w-what did you find?" Shuichi looked through his long bangs and into window the boy looked through "maybe something maybe nothing! You'll never know~"

"Guys! Cmon there's a monitor and it turned on!" Kaede called the two boys.

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