🏁20 questions🔍

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(A/N HI OIUYTFDXCV sorry ive been away for a bit- I'm alright dw and i will not abandon this- this chapter is a bit short but i have school work to do and shit- anyway enjoy <3)

"Sooooo detective! Wanna play 20 questions? It'll be fun!" Kokichi exclaimed as he sat Criss cross on the grass, shuichi following suite
"S-sure" shuichi hesitated
what if he asks me something personal? I dont know if I'd be able to answer. What if i make him uncomfortable? What if he ends up hating me for my answers. What if-

"O-Kay! Question one! Favourite food?" The purple boy asked energetically shifting on the grass to look at the detective
"shumai" the bluennete replied awkwardly "you?"
"Hm...Cheesecake! I love anything sweet, especially grape panta~" the boy salivated at the though of the drink, shuichi chuckled and smiled thinking of a question "favourite color?" Kokichi though for a second furrowing his eyebrows as if he was digging deep in his brain for the memory "pink, black, white and purple!" Shuichi's tilted his head and gave him a thoughtful look

"Why? If i may ask"
"Hm i dunno, someone i really loved told me they loved those colours though i cant seem to remember who...strange! My turn...oo!favourite game! Go go!" The boy said staring Shuichi's down attentively

"You're taking so looong!" The boy complained faking annoyance, raising his voice. Shuichi fliched in reflex at the tone change and adjusted his hat "r-right sorry!" He took a deep breath and shakingly spoke "chess? " he mumbled "cool! I like cards, any card game! I bet you i could beat you at any game!" the boy winked at shuichi. The detective let out a soft laugh and smiled at the shorter boy..

How can someone i just met make me feel so comfortable and so nervous at the same time ..

He pondered

"Hmmm 0h what about-"

"Guys! Gonta found something!" Rantaro came jogging at the pair. Shuichi and kokichi looked at each other and followed the green haired boy to the rest of the class.

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