🤍Its alright🤍

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Kirumi waited patiently for the boy to reply

Shuichi didnt know how to start. He inhaled and attempted to speak but each attempt was met with silence on his behalf.

"It's alright if you do not wish to speak of it but i find its better to vent about your issues" shuichi swallowed and nodded
"W-well for starters Akamatsu-san confessed her feelings to me, i rejected her since i dont feel that way towards her but i ruined our f-friendship and..." shuichi's eyes slowly filled with warm tears as his voice choked together. He started digging his nails onto the sides of his arms attempting to relieve some of his frustration.

Kirumi noticed and held out the teddy bear she brought with her. Shuichi looked up releasing his arms and sniffled "here, if you hug this tight you could release the stress on it instead of yourself" she spoke softly. Shuichi nodded and gave her another small smile slowly reaching out and grabbing the bear. It was a beige-green colour much like kirumi's hair, its smelled like the maid's comforting aura too. In a way it reminded shuichi of her soft pressence.

Shuichi hugged the bear and swallowed the lump in his throat to continue ranting.
"I s-should've just said yes.. it would've been easier! Im such and idiot." He mumbled clinging onto the bear. He heard kirumi sigh and shuffle the chair closer to the detective. She placed a soft hand on shuichis hair and ruffled it "saihara-kun you shouldn't ever have to feel bad about your feelings. Its not your fault if you cannnot reciprocate someone else's confession. You arent an ..'idiot'. None of this is your fault."

She smiled as the boy looked up to meet kirumi's motherly stare. He felt more tears flow from his eyes. He need to hear those words, he needed to know he wasnt a bad person. "Would you like a hug saihara-kun?" Kirumi said with her arms out stretched. Shuichi nodded and kirumi stood up to join him on the bed and envelop him in a safe embrace
"it will be alright. Im here"


This was rlly short sorry yall UGFDGHJK but i love kirumi and i feel like she would do this and she's one of my comfort characters. I hope yall liked this little kirumi appreciation post <3

Anyway Stan kirumi for clear skin

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