🔎I fucked up🎲

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"Will ya shut up already! I never said i liked him you idiot!" Kokichi yelled staying still as rantaro painted his nails purple "i dunno, you called him hot and stuff yknow in my book that sounds like you liking him" rantaro calmly said focusing on kokichi's small hand.

Kokichi and rantaro had been getting along pretty well. They were in rantaro's room talking about random things. Getting to know eachother.
Kokichi was glad someone tolerated him enough to talk for this long. He would never admit it but rantaro was a very calming person. He was comfortable around rantaro even in such a strange situation. He gave such caring vibes, like a big brother. It was a nice change from the glares everyone shot kokichi. "Aaand done! Now stay still or they'll smudge" kokichi's eyes glimmered as he lifted his hand and stared at it "theyre so pretty! Thank you taro-chan!" Rantaro gave kokichi a warm smile and a light chuckle "ah i have something for you." Rantaro suddenly spoke as he stood up and walked to his closet.

Kokichi tilted his head  and put his hands spread out on the table. Rantaro came back holding a dark sage green box parted down the middle with a silver handle. He sat at the table with kokichi once again and opened it. Inside were all kinds of nail polish in all shades of the rainbow, along with some cotton pads and nail polish remover. "Kokichi's eyes shone at the sight of all these paints. "Wait- dont you have one of these already?" Kokichi's face changed into a confused frown. Rantaro smiled "mhm but i have another one for whatever reason and i thought maybe you'd want it, yknow for fun"  kokichi's smile returned "really? I can have all this!?"n kokichi beamed reaching over the table to look through the box

"Yes but watch the nail polish!" Rantaro swiped the box just ask kokichi reached it smirking as kokichi's chin smacked on the table


Shuichi returned to his room with a sigh, he had spent the evening with kaede investigating the library. It was nice for a while, shuichi was happy to be with his friend but kaede had other plans.


"Saihara-kun?" Kaede tapped shuichi's shoulder as he inspected the bookshelf housing a secret door "hm?" The detective turned around and adjusted his hat giving kaede his attention.
She looked down and sideways then down again. She seemed nervous and flustered "akamatsu-san are you alright?"
Shuichi asked his tone laced with concern "a-ah yes um ive been meaning to tell you something" the blonde swallowed and fully looked up to meet shuichi's eyes

"Listen i uh, i know we've know eachother for two days but i.. i think i like you a... lot actually and i——-"

The rest of the sentence was muffled. All the raven haired boy could hear was a loud ringing noise in his ear and a blurry image of what was once kaede's face. He started breathing quicker.

I dont like her like that.. how do i turn her down without hurting her? She means so much to me..
The detective started shaking as kaede finished her speech "so... um.. what do you have to say about my..feelings?"
She awkwardly asked.

Shuichi took in a deep breath and smiled crookedly at kaede in a weak attempt at reassurance. "Im really sorry akamatsu-san i just... don't think of you that way, I'm really sorry i wish i could reciprocate your feelings but i see you as a sister.. I'm sorry" shuichi bowed still shaken up and looked at kaede's pale and hurt face.

"Thats...fine, it's completely fine saihara-kun! I understand.. but um i have to go I'm pretty tired haha" kaede signaled to the library door and smiled at shuichi. The detective waved as the blonde speed-walked away and stood in silence for a few minutes before doing the same himself and returning to his dorm.

{end of flashback}

Shuichi rubbed his face and threw himself on the large bed in his room

I fucked up didnt i?

He repeated in his brain. His mind raced, a never ending storm swirling in his thoughts

I fucked up yet another relationship.

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