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"Did he seriously call this entertainment?!"

Shuichi mumbled walking down the hall.
He found a hallway and ran to the end sitting down.
He held his knees up to his chest and stared at the floor.


I want to yell.
To cry.
To breakdown and let myself release these emotions but..

I feel nothing.
I cant get angry. I just cant seen to feel anything
I feel... numb.
This situation? This..this killing game? Its so





I hate this place.

"Heya shuichi! You doing ok?"

Kaede sat next to me holding a bright smile.
Despite this? How is she smiling? How is she so strong?
"I'm..fine i s-suppose. I cant seem to feel much about this."
I replied.
"I get it. Its normal to feel numb in such a hopeless situation.. thats why i will give everyone hope! They'll thrive and trump over monokuma's despair!" She exclaimed clutching her fists beaming like a beacon

"You're quite strong akamatsu-san" i smiled.
She giggled in return and stood up "I'm going to check up on everyone else. You should go back to your room and rest!" she sujested "maybe I will..thank you akamatsu" i smiled and watched as she gave me a nod and walked off in determination.


Shuichi looked for his room and clutched the key.

Would walking in here mean he gave in to the idea that this was the new norm? His new life?
Would it hurt to rest while kaede is out checking up on everyone?...so many questions, so much guilt.
Too many thoughts.
Shuichi shook his head dismissing his usual overwhelming mind and inserted the key.
He opened the door and locked it looking around.

Quite a standard room, nothing remarkable about it. He walked to the bed and layed his tired head on the pillow. Drifting into a heavy...deep sleep.

"Rise and shine losers!"

Shuichi groaned at the ear ripping voice of the 'principal' and sat up on his bed clutching the sheets.
That same dread returning to his chest weighing him down to uncomfortable Bed.
Nevertheless he sighed and pushed himself out grabbing his hat and walking out the door.

He walked into the dinning room (was it a dining room? He didnt know, all he knew is that he and the others found it before he went to bed.)

"Good morning Saihara-kun" kirumi bowed "g-good morning Tojo-san" he bowed in return "hey Saihara! Come sit" kaito called out, kaede waved sweetly at the anxious boy while maki scoffed and amami just leaned back in his chair giving him a small wave.
Shuichi smiled and walked over to the long table where half his new class sat.

Soon enough the entire class got there and so akamatsu spoke up
"Alright everyone! Why dont we explore this place after breakfast?, maybe one of us will find a way out!" She exclaimed
"Thats a good idea akamatsu!" Kaito supported, Tsumugi spoke up, "why dont we go in pairs so whe-"
"AHA! Idiot!" Ouma laughed. Everyone looked at the short purplellete in annoyance, shuichi was more focused on avoiding eye contact with the shorter boys' peircing glare

"Look. I know you dumbasses want to believe in eachother but you gotta feel the situation! We are in a killing game! Killing is bound to happened if you separate people into two, one is dead! Gone!" He exclaimed moving his hands in the air for exaggeration, shuichi lifted his hat and looked at ouma with a tired look, all ouma did in return was shrug and lean back on his chair with his hands behind his head

"H-he has a point..." shuichi sighed. Akamatsu drooped and sat back down "way to kill the mood ouma"kaito glared "what mood Momota? This is a friking cage. We are stuck. Get it through your head!" Kokichi stuck his tongue out at the astronaut and giggled "w-well i guess we can go in threes and some people can go separately" Shirogane suggested "good Idea Shirogane-san!"Kaede beamed" "i refuse to go anywhere with a degenerate!" Tenko shouted "shut up you're too loud chibashira!" Himiko mumbled into her arms where she was asleep"eeek! Sorry yumeno-san!"

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