🤍Kirumi tojo 🤍

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Bing bong bing bong!

Rise and shite ursine!

Shuichi pulled himself out of bed, he felt the sticky black lines running down his cheeks. He stood up and walked to the bathroom only to stare at the mirror. He was gross. His hair was matted and messy, his face was caked with dried tears and runny eyeliner.

He hadn't had a great night yesterday. In fact he had returned to an old habit. One he said he wouldn't ever do again.
Something he promised someone dear, someone he couldn't quite place but they were someone shuichi had strong care for. And he let them down, whoever that was. Along with kaede and his uncle and all the countless people he let down.

He groaned and attempted to clean himself up. He tried brushing his hair but to no avail. He tried washing his face but the brims of his eyes were stained with eyeliner. All that was left was a shuichi semi-matted hair and prominent dark circles under his eyes.
Thank god for his hat.

He sighed yet again and stepped out the bathroom changing into another of his identical outfits.

The boy prepared himself and turned the door nob


Shucihi jumped and yelled "BAHAHA YOU LOOK SO SCARED' a shorter boy laughed loudly. Shuichi glared at kokichi and lowered his hat attempting to conceal his depressing state "not funny ouma." Shuichi mumbled and turned the other way "awe cmon! Dont be such a buzzkill saihara-chan!" "Kun the correct honorific is 'kun' " shuichi remarked looking away as kokichi joined him on his walk to the dining room " chan sounds better, besides! I find you cute!" "And i find you annoying."
Kokichi gave shuichi a hurt look and gasped loudly "wow! So rude! What crawled up your ass and died?" Kokichi put his hands behind his head and gave shuichi a side look

"Sorry ouma-kun I'm just not in the mood for you right now." "Not in the mood for me? Im the amazing kokichi ouma! Im delightful thank you very much!" Shuichi roled his eyes and opened the dinning door "sure whatever." He mumbled and walked into the dining room
"well he was an ass" Kokichi sighed and walked in after him.


Shuichi sat at the table at the farthest corner, he tried to look down and not bring any attention to himself.
"Saihara-kun are you alright?"
Kirumi walked up behind him placing a plate infront of the tired detective "I'm fine, thank you Tojo-san" he thanked her for the plate still not looking up at her.
Kirumi bowed and sighed "of course, um saihara-kun?" Kirumi stood with her hands held together infront of her, shuichi mumbled a quick "yes?" And continued looking at his plate "could we talk in your room after breakfast?" She softly requested. Shuichi thought for a second then sighed

Some company might be nice

"Of course" shuichi gave kirumi a weak smile and picked up a fork

"Tojo-chan this food is amazing! Be my mom!" Kokichi yelled from across the table bouncing in an excited manner, kirumi walked over to him and smiled "im not your mother but thank you for the compliment" she bowed "you're welcome mom!" Kokichi smiled widely at the grey haired girl.

Shuichi watched as everyone conversed. He thought to himself for a while

Ugh i was a dick to kokichi, i fucked up with kaede, no one else seems to like me. Kokichi probably hates me now.
I want to go home... wherever that is..

He ate his food silently with his head hung low and eventually finished first. He stood up without making too much noise or disrupting anyone's conversations and started walking out the room. He made eye contact with kirumi and smiled a bit before leaving.


A few minutes had passed and shuichi heard a knock on his door, unsurprisingly; it was kirumi.
She was holding a first aid kit, a teddy bear and a thermos.
Shuichi tilted his head as he stepped aside for kirumi to walk into his room and closing the door behind her. Shuichi awkwardly sat at his bed.
Kirumi smiled and pulled up a chair from the empty desk in his room and sat oposite the detective

TW: s3lf H4rm

Kirumi sighed and put the first aid kit down next to her
"Um Tojo-san what is this all for?" Shuichi asked scratching his palms "for you saihara-kun, you seem depressed. More so than you were before yesterday." She calmly said bringing her hands to her lap "a-ah i said i was fin-"
"Pardon my interruption but there's no need to lie saihara-kun. I would never and shan't ever judge you for your shortcomings" the maid smiled warmly at the detective.

Shuichi couldn't help but give in to her warm motherly presence. He slumped down in his bed and mumbled "i suppose ive been a little depressed.." he finally admitted choking up a little.
"I figured so, do i have your permission to touch you? Not in an inappropriate way of course." She again gave Shuichi a smile. Shuichi nodded and looked up at kirumi.

She placed a soft hand on shuichi's cheek and wiped away the newly flowing tears. Kirumi's eyes softened as the detective gave into the motherly touch of the ultimate maid. Kirumi brought out a tissue from her pocket and softly wiped shuichi's face before opening the first aid kit "i do believe you have some wounds on your wrist, am i mistaken?" She said waringly, she tried her best to approach the subject as respectfully as she could "y-you arent.."

Shuichi sniffled and used his jacket sleeves to dry off the remaining tears looking away. "May i clean and bandage them?" She spoke in the softest3 tone shuichi had ever had the pleasure to hear. She truly was a motherly figure "mhm.." shuichi mumbled

Kirumi gave him a nod and picked up some bottles to cleanse the cuts, a cotton ball and gauze.
She slowly put some product on the cotton ball and softly pulled shuichis sleeves up revealing dozens of clean cuts running up and down his pale skin. Kirumi didnt look at shuichi in pity, or wince or lecture him. She just looked for a second then got right into work. She carefully cleaned the wounds with such care and softness it barely even stung.
Shuichi smiled at kirumi as she wrapped up both his wrists.

"All done" kirumi smiled and put down the first aid kit next to shuichi's bed "if you need to change the bandages of if anything else happens you can use the kit." "Thank you Tojo-san" shuichi gave kirumi a soft smile and pulled his sleeves down.

The room filled with a silence shuichi couldnt quite categorise. It wasnt strange or awkward. Kirumi made shuichi feel so unbelievably comfortable it was crazy. She was such a warm presence in such and uncomfortable situation.
It was more of an unspoken burden. Like a question hung in the air.

"What happened saihara-kun?"

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