⚙️Iruma-san 🎹

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(Keep in mind: this chapter is shown from kaede's POV. Its not in first person but narrated in her world view)

Everyone was in the dining room just in time for dinner.
it had been a day since the ⒻⒾⓇⓈⓉ ⒷⓁⓄⓄⒹ ⓅⒺⓇⓀ was announced and everyone was still healthy and alive.
For now.
Kaede and shuichi had been spending every waking moment together. Kaede made shuichi feel light, his mind was a little lighter than before.
He loved kaede Like a sister, or a best friend. Her presence made him feel at ease. He felt hopeful in a hopeless situation. He never wanted kaede to leave.

Kaede on the other hand felt differently toward shuichi. She had a fuzzy feeling in her heart, a whirling stomach and a goofy smile.
"Hey Saihara-kun? Would you like to investigate the library with me after breakfast tomorrow?" The blonde smiled sweetly. She tapped her fingers on the table as she waited for a response. Her head was down with her hair covering her eyes. Her face was flushed.
Maybe shuichi was rubbing off on her more than she thought. She suddenly felt a shaky, slim hand on her shoulder. She raised her head; checks red and looked at shuichi. He offered a kind smile and shining eyes through his hat
"I'd love to!" He quietly answered.

The pair spent that day together walking around, chatting and smiling all day long.
Their friendship was truly something hopeful. So hopeful in fact, that it began attracting attention from others.

It was currently 6pm, kaede and shuichi had separated for the evening to have some quiet alone time. Kaede's alone time was cut short however, by a strawberry blonde inventor.
"Heya piano-tits!" The blonde smiled waving at the pianist "hello Iruma-san" kaede smiled politely.
Kaede thought many things of Iruma,
She was smart, gorgeous and of course; vulgar.
As a bisexual teen girl she couldn't help but think of the girl as perfect, however kaede's eyes had been split between the unfamiliar inventor and the detective.

"Mind if i sit with ya?" Miu pointed to the empty space on the bench kaede sat in and gave her a grin "not at all!" She closed her book and smiled "what's that book on?" Miu pointed at the book in kaede hand and placed her hands on her lap playing with the hem of her skirt she looked nervous "its a romance book about a detective who falls in love with the culprit of a crime he's investigating. Oo! Im sure saihara-kun will like this, i should show him later" kaede smiled in determination. Miu sighed slumping her shoulders "right..saihara" she mumbled. Kaede looked at the blonde and tilted her head "whats wrong Iruma-san?" The pianist put a hand on miu's shoulder "ah nothing! I-i just um, i dunno i was bored and i came here but you're busy and i- um i should probably go!" Miu quickly rambled and started standing up.

Kaede chuckled at how nervous miu was and gripped her wrist "I'm not busy Iruma-san besides, i enjoy your company"she smiled and patted the seat next to her on the bench. Miu gave her a grin and happily sat next to her.

They talked for a few hours before it was time for kaede to meet shuichi
"Ah i have to meet saihara-kun in the library" kaede stood up and smiled at miu "it was really nice talking to you! I really do enjoy your company Iruma-san" miu stood up, grinned at kaede and gave her a thumbs up "i like talking to ya too piano-san!" Kaede smiled once again and quickly hugged the inventor before waving goodbye and sped-walked away leaving a flustered miu behind.

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