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Kirumi left that morning after comforting shuichi.

Yeah! All he had to do was apologise to kokichi and make up with kaede. Easy Peasy. Right..?
The detective let himself fall back on his messy bead and sighed bringing his hands up to his face. Oh what he'd do for affection right now. Sure kirumi had just hugged him but the gesture was short and sweet. Shuichi was quite the touch starved boy, the short motherly embrace just left him yearning more. More hugs. More face touching. He longed to feel loved again.

But what could he do in this place? He was alone and he had to accept that. He groaned and stood up walking to the bathroom.
This time he called for monokuma hoping he'd hear.

"Monokuma! I need something!" He yelled into the sound proof room and sure enough the mecha-bear appeared infront of his feet with a wide grin "what is it emo-boy?" The bear Said annoyed "i need face soap." Shuichi said avoiding eye contact with the machine "alrighty!" Monokum bounce throwing shuichi a pack of soap out of seemingly nowhere "t-thanks.." he mumbled turning away from the bear "yeah whatever now stop bothering me!" Monokuma suddenly disappeared leaving shuichi to stare into the mirror once again.

He sighed and pulled his fringe back with two hair clips he kept in his pocket and opened the pack.
It was a blueberry scented soap kit, it wasn't just face soap it was also body lotion, conditioner and shampoo aswell as shaving cream and a bottle of perfume, all blueberry scented. Shucihi took the plastic wrapper off the stack of sanitary products, they seemed nice enough and he didnt mind smelling like an artificial blueberry. He'd rather that than smell like dried blood tears and sweat.
He looked through all the bottles eventually getting to the shaving cream.

He stared at it and blushed, he didn't have any need for this. He wasnt the type to grow facial hair easily, be that as it may the hair on his head grew quick but nothing on his face or even his legs. It was embarrassing for him to have such "girly" features. He was always seen as dainty and girl-like. He didnt mind being girl-like, he saw nothing wrong with being a bit feminine as a cis boy. It was the teasing that he hated, it was the constant teasing that messed with him eventually.

Shuichi sighed tossing the shaving cream into the bathroom trash can and opened the face soap. He rubbed it between his hands until it became foamy and closed his eyes scrubbing all over his face.
He scrubbed particularly hard around his eyes and cheeks hoping to rid him of the old eyeliner that seemed to have stained his tired eyes.

He washed the soap out and neatly arranged all the other bottles against the counter. He bit his nails and stared at the blue bottled products. Was having this here acceptance? Had he accepted that he'd be here long enough to need them? Maybe even need more. Maybe he'd be here for the rest of his natural life, or worse... for as long as he or anyone else let him walk this earth.

It was a grim thought, but thats all he had; grim thoughts. A never ending drowning sludge of poisonous thoughts infecting his soul and body.
He hated his brain.

The detective forced himself back to reality from his staring contest with the soaps and walked to his door leading to every single one of his problems; kaede, kokichi, monokuma.

He dreaded the doorknob that would open him up to the vulnerability of being in this damned school.
But even so, he turned it. Despite every fibre of his being saying other wise.


The detective decided to look for Kokichi first, it was a simple apology and it sure was better than talking to the girl you rejected because you see her as a sister more than a  potential-girlfriend.

So he went to Kokichi's room first and with a heavy hand, knocked on the door.
It took a few minutes and shuichi was going to leave to look somewhere else, but just as his he was turning to leave, the door slammed open.

"Whadaya want emo-man" kokichi said quickly looking up at the anxious detective with a bored impatient look.
"O-ouma-kun.. um are you busy? I'd like to talk to you" shuichi crookedly smiled avoiding eye contact
"Yes. Im a busy man saihara! I have an organisation to lead!"
Shucihi blinked a few times, only now finding kokichi's big purple eyes.

"But you're stuck here..." shucihi mumbled
"Oh right. I guess i have some time! Come on in saihara-kun" kokichi beamed stepping aside and making space for shuichi to walk in.
Shuichi noticed the honorific ouma used. 'Kun'
Had he gotten to kokichi? Did anything else he said affect him? What if shuichi hurt his feelings worse than he thought?

"Welp did ya wanna kill me? Couse if you are I'd hurry it up man, you've been standing there staring at me for eveeeeer!" Kokichi said with a grunt as he sat on his bed swinging his legs. Shuichi jumped finally zoning back in and scrambled for words standing stiffly in the middle of kokichi's room "o-of course not! I came here to apologise." Shuichi sighed hiding behind his hat.

"For what?" Kokichi asked tilting his head non-chelantly from the boring bed he sat on.
"For being an asshole this morning..i was in a bad mood and i didnt mean anything i said and Im really sorry ouma-kun" shucihi bowed and played with his fingers awaiting a response. "Alright! I forgive you! Does that mean i can call you saihara-chan again?" Kokichi beamed as he shot up from his bed rocking back and forth on his heels. "If thats w-what you want the yes, i really dont mind" shuichi smiled lifting his hat up a little to see the boy happy-stim and smile at shuichi "yay!" Kokichi smiled once again.

Shucihi admired kokichi's exitement, he was truly strong to remain happy in such a joyless time. "Thank you for accepting my apology ouma-kun, i have to go though i have other people to apologise to" shucihi smiled once more and pointed to the door "ooo who'd ya piss off?" Kokichi gave shucihi a grin and tilted his head keeping his arms tangled together behind his back "akamatsu-san, it was a whole thing um..i gotta go.. bye ouma-kun" shuichi mumbled replaying the memory of kaede's heartbroken face in his head

"Mmm alright see ya sai-chan! Have fun with piano-girl!" Kokichi waved as shuichi exited through his door.

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