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What...whats happening?

I dont want this to be real..

Ill wake up soon right?


. . .

I dont..i cant..i cant let them think I'm weak.
Ill be a target. A liability. A waste of resources.


I have to lie.

I have to lie to all of them.
Is..is kaito lunging at monokuma?


Why are there more bears?

I hate this.
This dosent make any sense.

I hate this.

I hate murders.
I hate killing.
I hate this idea.

"ooo! I love murders! And would you look at that, more bears!"

Why did i say that?
Thats not me.
I didnt..

The bears introduced themselves...
Am i even listening?

Am i just staring at the floor?
I am.

"Ouma-kun are you alright?"

"Oh! Hello saihara! I'm totally fine! Better now that we have some entertainment!"
Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows and left without saying anything more.
Guess i scared him away.

Better that way.
He wont see me.
Real me.

Weak me.

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