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That day, Kenshin and Arisa went to watch Hariz played in a gig at a nearby club.

"Wow, he's good" said Arisa.

"Yeah. He used to learn playing guitar from Izo of XPDC and Seth Morrison of Skillets after all" replied Ken.

"Wow, 2 great guitarist. Can you play it too?" asked Arisa.

"No. I can play drum but not really good. Just so-so" replied Ken.

"Really? I love to hear it once" said Arisa.

"No, Arisa-chan. That's too embarassing" replied Ken.

"Oh, c'mon, Ken-kun" plead Arisa. Ken sighed.

"Fine. I'll call you whenever I feel like I want to play" replied Ken.

"That's why I love you" said Arisa.

"Aww, I love you too" replied Ken. Later on, Hariz came by.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for coming" said Hariz.

"No problem, bro" replied Ken.

"Great performance, by the way" said Arisa.

"Thanks, Arisa-san" replied Hariz.

"Do you have a band?" asked Ken.

"I used to. But, it was disbanded" replied Hariz.

"Why is that?" asked Arisa.

"Well, my bandmates got problem with punctuality. Thanks to that, nobody want us to perform anymore. So, I lashed out on them. Then, they kicked me out from the band and took other guitarist in. They performed badly in a gig while I that was therr after being invited by another band to replace their guitarist that got some emergency played well. Then, they fighting at the venue and decided to disband immediatly" replied Hariz.

"That's bad. So, since then you just a be a freelance, huh" said Ken.

"Yeah. By the way, bro. Can I ask you something?" asked Hariz.

"Sure. What is it?" asked Ken in returned.

"Is your neesan dating someone right now?" asked Hariz.

"As far as I know, she's not. Interested?" asked Ken in returned.

"Well, who knows" replied Hariz before walked back to the stage as he plays with a band.

Few days later;

Ken arrived at Full Sail for NXT taping. Once he changed into his gear, he heard someone knocked the door.

"Who's there?" asked Ken.

"Ken-kun. It's me" replied Arisa.

"Just come in then" said Ken. Arisa then get in and took a seat besides Ken.

"So, who will be your tag team partner?" asked Arisa.

"You'll know it later" replied Ken.

"But, I want to know now" said Arisa.

"No way" replied Ken while pinching Arisa's nose.

"Fine. By the way, nobody else is here" said Arisa.

"That's true" replied Ken before he and Arisa started to make out.

Later on;

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall!"