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That morning at the hotel in New Orleans;

Ken just woke up early. He saw Arisa still sleeping by his side. After kissed Arisa's cheek, he get up and went for shower. Once he done, he puts on his tracksuit and leave a note to Arisa that he's going for a morning run. As he runs, he then saw Hariz sitting outside of a diner alone while having breakfast. His hair is now long instead medium cut during his time in NXT. He also wore a sunglasses and a leather jacket with his guitar case by his side.

"Never thought that I can see you here, bro" said Ken.

"Well, I have a job in this town" replied Hariz.

"Really? I thought that you're here for TakeOver" said Ken.

"Why must I come far away just to watch something that I'm no longer interest in" replied Hariz.

"You really quit?" asked Ken.

"Yes. Don't tell me that you didn't check all the stuff that I asked you to throw away for me" replied Hariz.

"I did. But you can always buy new one" said Ken.

"Nah, I'm not going to waste money on such thing. I need it to go around the world" replied Hariz.

"So, there is no chance for you to come back into the square circle?" asked Ken.

"That's true. I have another life now" replied Hariz before lighted up a cigratte.

"Since when did you smoking?" asked Ken.

"A lot of things happened after that night. But of course. I still don't drink or taking drugs" replied Hariz.

"I see. But, I promise you this, bro. I will find out who screw you" said Ken.

"Don't bother with that. That doesn't really matter" replied Hariz.

"It is. To clean your name again" said Ken.

"I don't care about it for now. I just move on with my life as a loner. Hashtag no women no cry" replied Hariz.

"That's sounds bad" said Ken.

"Not really. I'm happy with that" replied Ken.

"Anyway, I better get going now before Arisa looks for me" said Ken.

"Okay, bro. Tell Alpha I say hi" replied Hariz. Ken just nodded. After bumped their fist, Ken walked away.

Later on;

When Ken arrived at his room, Arisa is making coffee.

"Ohaiyo, Arisa-chan. Here's the breakfast" said Ken while handed over some sandwiches.

"Thanks, Ken-kun. C'mon. Let's eat together" replied Arisa. Ken then took a seat and both of them started to have breakfast.

"So, how do you feel about your title shot tonight?" asked Arisa.

"A bit nervous actually. I never do a ladder match before" replied Ken.

"Yeah, right. But I'm sure that you will do just fine" said Arisa.

"Hope so. Unless there is any interruption of course" replied Ken.

"Ouja? I don't think he will interrupt a pay-per-view" said Arisa.

"Well, who knows" replied Ken.

"Don't you think you being too prejudice towards him?" asked Arisa.

"I am. Why?" asked Ken in returned.

"He's so nice with the ladies" replied Arisa.

"But I'm still didn't trust him" said Ken.

"Why not? He's nice. You should get to know him" replied Arisa

THE LAST SAMURAI'S SHINING STAR (ARISA HOSHIKI X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum