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That morning, Ken is jogging at a park nearby his apartment. Then, he came across Adam Cole and Britt Baker.

"Hey, Ken. How you're doing?" asked Adam.

"Hey, Austin. Seriously, dating such early in the morning" said Ken.

"Well, dating at night is boring nowadays. I never thought that you still did a morning run. Did you still train kendo right now?" asked Adam.

"Yes. But this time, I trained with my sister" said Ken.

"So, how's WWE so far?" asked Adam.

"Great. No wonder you came here after your contract with ROH is up" said Ken.

"Yes. But of course, only because I got offered to be in NXT of course" said Adam.

"I see. By the way, I need to go now. I'll see you around" said Ken. Adam just nodded. Then, Ken continue his run.

"So, that's Kaori's little brother, huh" said Britt.

"Yes. He's such a great performer too. But, he quite shy with girls" said Adam.

"Really? But I heard from Arisa that he always bullying her during high school" said Britt.

"Well, maybe that's the way of him to get attention from her" said Adam.

"He never knew how to ask a girl out, so he tried his own way then" said Britt.

"Yeah" said Adam.

Later that day;

Ken and Kairi are having lunch together.

"So, Ken. I see that you doing well in NXT so far. I won't be surprise if you get a call up first before me" said Kairi.

"Well, I don't think so. I still have long way to go" said Ken.

"You just being humble. I'm sure you're doing just fine" said Kairi.

"I hope you're right, neesan" said Ken

"Of course I am" said Kairi. Ken just chuckled. Then, Io approached them with Arisa.

"Hello, Housako-kyõdai" greeted Io.

"Hi, kouhai" said Kairi.

"Come and join us, Io-santachi" said Ken.

"Oh, it's okay. We have other place to go after all. See you tomorrow night on NXT" said Io.

"Okay, girls" said Kairi. Io then left with Arisa.

"Oi, Hoshiki" called Ken. Arisa turned around.

"Dõ shitta?" asked Arisa.

"Bye-bye" said Ken while waving his hand to Arisa. Arisa smiled.

"Mou, bakka" said Arisa but she still waved back at Ken before turned around and walked with Io.

"I think you are now have a chance to date her, ototo" said Kairi.

"Hope so. But, I'm not getting my hope so high" said Ken.

"Have faith with your neesan a bit, baka ototo" said Kairi. Ken just chuckled.

On the next night;

Ken arrived at the Full Sail for NXT tapping. He then makes his way to the lockeroom where he saw Andrade in the lockeroom.

"Hey, amigo. How you're doing?" asked Ken.

"Oh, I'm good. By the way, your performance at Royal Rumble 2 weeks ago is so great" said Andrade.