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That morning, Ken and Kairi are training kendo as usual.

"Ken, do you know why Hariz-kun always avoiding me nowadays?" asked Kairi.

"Maybe he's trying to move on after you rejected him" replied Ken.

"Really? So, he's not going to ask me again?" asked Kairi.

"Why should I know. Besides, why does that concerned you? You already rejecting him, right" replied Ken.

"Well, I think that I'm regret now" said Kairi.

"Just you to know, Kaori-nee. Hariz always felt insecure of his look. So, once he got rejected, he won't asked again because he thinks that his looks not good enough" replied Ken.

"Really? Now what should I do now?" asked Kairi.

"Let him be. Just don't do anything that made him feels worse" replied Ken. Kairi just nodded.

That night;

Ken is playing pool with Hariz and Alpha.

"It's weird seeing you both without your girlfriend" said Hariz.

"Well, we're not that clingy" replied Alpha.

"By the way, guys. Why did Ouja is seldomly with you guys nowaday?" asked Ken.

"Well, he still pissed off when we're arguing about his act last week on NXT. He said that he just want to make the show better" replied Hariz.

"What's the deal with him anyway?" asked Ken.

"I don't know. It seems that he was hiding something from us" replied Alpha.

"Hmmm, we better be careful then" said Ken. Alpha and Hariz just nodded.

Later on;

Ken and Arisa are cuddling on the bed while watching anime on Netflix. After playing pool, Arisa called Ken telling him that she wants to spend a night together.

"So, Ken-kun. Do you think that you will win the North American Championship?" asked Arisa.

"I don't know. I'm still new here after all" replied Ken.

"Yes but they still give you a chance, right? Maybe they do want to make you the inaugral champion" said Arisa.

"Well, that's not our job to think about it. Besides, we're just alone aren't we?" replied Ken.

"Hentai" said Arisa.

"Only with you, Arisa-chan" replied Ken before kissed Arisa. While kissing, he moved his hand around her. Before long, both of them are now naked.

Later on;

"Do we really need to have sex everytime we're sleepover?" asked Arisa once they done.

"Well, not really. It just then we're seldomly get an alone time. So, we need to use it well" replied Ken.

"Hentai na Ken-kun wa" said Arisa. Ken chuckled.

"I think I should sleep now. You drained all my energy" said Ken. Arisa giggled.

"Me too. You're a beast" replied Arisa.

"Oyasumi, Arisa-chan" said Ken before kissed Arisa on her forehead.

"Oyasumi" replied Arisa before kissed Ken on his cheek. Then, both of them fall asleep.

On the next morning;

Ken woke up early as he saw Arisa is still sleeping. He then pecked a kiss on Arisa's cheek before get up from the bed and head to the shower. Once he done and puts on his cloths, he went to the kitchen and made breakfast for both of them. He decided to cook steamed rice, miso sup and grilled fish. Meanwhile, Arisa just woke up and realised Ken is not by her side. She then quickly get into the shower. Once she's done and puts her clothes on, she made her way to the kitchen.

THE LAST SAMURAI'S SHINING STAR (ARISA HOSHIKI X OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz