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That day, Ken and Arisa are doing some workout at a gym.

"Daijobu, Ken-kun? You seem like in a deep thought. What are you thinking about?" asked Arisa.

"About Hariz" replies Ken.

"What about that hentai? It's been about a month since he got fired" asked Arisa.

"Do you really believe that he's that type of person?" asked Ken in returned.

"I don't want to but we just know him after all. Maybe that's his real self" replied Arisa. Ken just shrugged.

Later on;

Ken stopped by a supermarket to buy some groceries when he saw Io and Tegan Nox.

"Do you ever contact your little brother after what happened last month?" asked Tegan.

"For god sake, Steff. Stop calling that pervert my brother. And I don't care about him anymore. Meeting him is the worse thing that ever happened to me" replied Io.

"But what if he's framed?" asked Tegan.

"He's framed? He's not even good looking. Why should someone framed him? Because he rejected someone? That's impossible. There's no way there is anyone that want him" replied Io.

"It's not nice to say such thing, you know. He's your brother" said Tegan.

"Not anymore" replied Io. Ken just shook his head before quickly walked away.

That night;

Ken and Alpha are playing snooker at a bar.

"Any good news from Hariz?" asked Ken.

"No. All of it are bad. He's totally disowned by the whole family because of this" replied Alpha.

"I feel so bad for him" said Ken.

"Me too. But at least all his friends have his back" replied Alpha.

"So, where is he now?" asked Ken.

"Wandering around the world" replied Alpha.

"I see" said Ken.

"We need to watch our back now. Who knows what will happened from now on" replied Alpha.

"Yeah. Somehow I had a bad feeling about this" said Ken.

"Me too" replied Alpha.

Few days later;

Ken is getting ready for his match when Ouja get in to the lockeroom.

"Look, dude. I know that you're pissed off when I interrupted your promo before. I just want to make everyone to realise my existence here" said Ouja.

"Well, that's none of my business actually. It's you on your own after all" replied Ken.

"That's right. By the way, did Kaori-san dating someone right now?" asked Ouja.

"No. Why?" asked Ken in returned.

"Nothing. See you later" replied Ouja before left.

"Something is fishy here" muttered Ken alone.

Later on;

"The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!"