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-george pov-

sapnap nodded in response. we continued walking out of the restaurant towards the car.

dream and sapnap were arguing over whos music taste was better. they kept taking turns over the aux cord which was quite annoying. for one song you'd be getting rap and the next would be something like one direction.

i was sitting in the backseat by myself staring out the window. the entire car ride home i was preparing myself for 'the talk' with sapnap. i was trying to figure out what i was going to say to him but i couldn't think of much. i guess it's whatever comes out of my mouth at the time.

before i knew it we finally arrived back home at dreams house. i sighed as i opened the car door, lightly shutting it. sapnap and i walked inside and looked at dream. "we will be back soon...or awhile i don't know" i said staring at dream.

sapnap followed me upstairs into my bedroom. i shut and locked the door even though dream was still downstairs. i didn't want to take any chances.

i walked over and sat on the bed next to sapnap. i avoided eye contact while i tried to form my words.

"sapnap i think you were right" i spit out

"right about what"

he's making this difficult. i didn't want to say it. i didn't want to admit to anything.

"this. this whole dream thing"

"george i know you're not the best at expressing yourself but try. let everything out that you're thinking"

"okay," i sighed. "remember when you were asking me those questions?"


"sapnap...it happened. one of the questions you asked me happened. and it was exactly how you described it. and the answer i gave to you...was true"

"so you were jealous?" sapnap asked with a confused look on his face.

"yeah..i was. when she was flirting with him i was mad. i was happy dream didn't flirt back. but when i found out he didn't want her number i realized that i was jealous."

"okay okay. besides the restaurant and the flirting shit how do you feel about dream"

"the past twenty-four hours have been amazing sapnap. as you obviously know i keep glancing over at him. i just end up sitting there and admiring him." i admitted.

"i don't even care at this point, i'm going to be straight up with you" sapnap spoke. "i think you like him george. and before you say anything here's my reasoning why..." he paused taking in a deep breathe.

"first of all...you went back to the story, continued reading it, and enjoyed it. second of all...you got jealous when someone was flirting with dream. third of all... i see the way you look at him. you are always looking at him. and blushing whenever he talks to you or even just says your name"

i couldn't even be mad at him at this point. he was right. his points made sense. all of the dots connected. the only thing i'm ever thinking about was dream. sapnap was right. i think i like dream.

"and george"

"yeah" i quietly replied

"i don't know what it is but i feel like you're in denial. you always get so defensive whenever we talk about this. and if you think it's because dream will hate you it's not. he would never hate you george trust me. i know where you're coming from and i understand how you feel but you have to trust me"

"thank you. and sapnap....i think you were right. i think i like dream"

"wait really?! george that's awesome" he replied either excitement.

"please don't tell him sapnap. please. i still don't even know my sexuality i'm trying to figure that out still. but i like him"

"george that's perfectly okay. i'm proud of you"

he moved over on the bed now sitting next to me. he pulled me into a hug from the side. it last maybe ten seconds before he let go.

we both got up from the bed and walked over to the door. i unlocked it and we both started to walk downstairs. dream looked over at us, sapnap had a smile on his face. he ignored it and continued petting patches.

we both walked over to the couch and decided to watch movies. i went to the bathroom while they picked the movie.

a couple minutes later i came back to the living room trying to see what movie it was. i couldn't see the title so i would have to wait until the actually movie started to play.

it was horror.

"guys i don't like horror movies"

"that's the point" sapnap said

i rolled my eyes as i stared at the tv, waiting for the movie to start.

not even five minutes in and there was already a jump scare. i shoved myself into the corner of the couch, avoiding the tv.

i didn't even end up watching the movie. i mainly stared at the couch the entire time. except the movie was finally over now.

i just starred at a couch for an hour and a half. i reminded myself. making me laugh

we all eventually said goodnight to eachother and went our own ways. i made my way back upstairs into my bedroom. i got into bed and laid on my back. the only thing i could think of was the events from ealier.

you confessed to sapnap...was the only i could think of right now.

i was happy.

words- 933
tysm for '#1 dnf' and '#2 dreamnotfound' <33
i'm surprised people actually enjoy this :]
vote are appreciated!

also! tysm for 150k reads- that's so many omg thank you!!!

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