Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

For a few blocks, Kay considered calling the police. It was logical, of course. She’d just been attacked by a bunch of gang members and was now who-knows-where in this massive city. However, she knew that in a place this size, it would take too long for the police to get to her, especially considering that she was now no longer in any immediate danger. It would be an hour at the very least before they arrived, and by that time her flight would have left.

So, no police.

Next she considered what to do about her luggage, which was still in the trunk of the cab she’d fled not too long ago. At first she thought about going back to retrieve it, but quickly ruled it out as a bad idea. Besides, she didn’t remember how to get back. She’d been so focused on getting away before.

The best thing she could do right now, Kay decided, was to get to one of the taller, business buildings in the near distance and ask someone there for directions and possibly call another cab. One way or the other, she knew she was running out of time. If she wanted to catch her plane, she would have to hurry. This being chased by gang members she previously had believed to be fictional characters thing was putting her behind schedule big time.

Kay was just two blocks away from the closest building when she heard the squeal of tires on pavement and turned to look back over her shoulder. A pitch black vehicle – the kind one would see in a spy movie or something – pulled up next to her and a fresh batch of Purple Dragons exited the car.

She backed up, at once worried and frustrated. “Are you kidding me?”

An African-American woman with sunglasses reached to her hip and retrieved a pistol, proceeding to aim directly at Kay. “No more games, kid. Get in the car.”

Kay felt her heart rate quicken again as she stepped back instinctively, clutching her backpack tightly to her for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. “Who told you about the Chaos Emerald?” She demanded in the bravest voice she could muster. “Only I’m supposed to know about it.”

The woman cocked the gun and aimed again. “Get in the car.”

“You can’t use its power.” Kay spoke again, trying her best to convince the Dragons that they were wasting their time. “Whoever told you about it is lying.”

“Guys, get her in the car.”

The men who had stepped out of the vehicle along with the woman moved towards her, and Kay didn’t bother trying to fight them off this time. She simply turned and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, fully expecting gunshots to sound at any second. When none came, she risked a glance back at the car. What she saw made her skid to a complete stop and stare.

The pistol that had previously been aimed in her direction was now floating in midair, and the woman was staring up at it along with Kay, obviously as confused as she was. Kay tilted her head back further in an attempt to figure out what was going on, but the newly risen sun was blinding and made it impossible to see anything else.

She suddenly became aware of the men chasing her, and she bolted again, crossing first one street and then another without stopping to make sure it was clear both ways. At last she came to the building she had searched out from a distance, only to find the windows darkened and the front door bolted. Closed. Of course it’s closed. The sun just came up.

Feeling more panicked as the chase went on, Kay did the only thing she could think of and kept running, disappearing around the corner, hoping she could lose the men somehow.

She had not been out of their sight for a full second before she heard the unmistakable sounds of fighting coming from behind her, making her slow to a stop once again. She turned and looked back, half expecting someone – anyone – to round the corner after her.

No one did.

Kay cautiously walked back the way she came, still on guard in case she needed to fight or flee. When she saw the first man lying unconscious on the sidewalk, she began to backtrack, knowing what the rest of the scene would look like and that there was a very good possibility that whoever had done the deed was still around.

Suddenly a second and third black car appeared out of nowhere, and more Purple Dragons emerged, coming after her in drones, each holding a weapon of some sort. Kay felt a fresh wave of panic wash over her and she stumbled backwards, tripping over herself as she turned on her heel and began to run again. How long was this going to go on?

Then an arm wrapped around her waist, and a voice spoke directly into her ear. “Hang on.”

The next thing she knew she was airborne, leaving a pack of confused and enraged gang members on the sidewalk below her. She went up several stories – ten, twenty – before reaching the rooftop and being set back on her feet. The arm disappeared. Kay looked around quickly, but there was no one in sight. She turned in a full circle before coming face-to-face with someone familiar.

The figure standing before her was tall, muscular, and wore a red bandana over his eyes. He crossed his arms and titled his head at her. “Girl, what argument do you have with these guys? They’ve been chasing you all morning. That’s weird for them.” Kay felt her jaw going slack as she stared, not daring to take her eyes away. Golden orbs blinked back at her. “Hello?”

“Easy, Raph,” came a second voice. Kay glanced slightly to her right, where her rescuer from earlier that day stood, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder. He turned his gaze to her, watching her gently, not saying a word.

Kay could not believe this. As she blinked, trying to determine whether she was dreaming, a third figure appeared from the shadows, followed quickly by a fourth.

“Gee, thanks for the help, guys,” the last one said sarcastically as he twirled his weapons in his hands. “Not that we needed it. These guys are a cakewalk, even when they’ve been M.I.A. for—”

“Mikey, stop talking,” the third figure ordered.

“What?” Mikey followed his brothers’ gaze, eyes resting on Kay, and recognition registered on his face. “Oh.”

She could not seem to stop staring today. First Purple Dragons, now this. All four of the ninja turtles she knew so well stood before her as one, each watching her in a unique way. Donatello’s stare was inquisitive, per the norm. Raphael took in her open-mouthed expression with both amusement and disdain. Leonardo kept calm eyes trained on her at all times, while Mikey grinned in that usual Mikey way. It was all so familiar to her that at first she thought nothing of it.

But then a cool breeze jolted her senses, bringing her mind back to her body, and she realized she wasn’t dreaming.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were standing right in front of her.

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