Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

If the manhole cover was large enough for the Turtles to fit through, it was large enough for Kay to fit through. She watched as first Mikey and then Raph went down into the sewers, and then she followed. The ladder was grimy and wet, and the smell below the street was overpowering. Kay felt herself gag more and more the further down she traveled.

Leo and Donnie came down behind her, replaced the manhole cover, and soon they were walking together in darkness, with only the sounds and smells to accompany them. Kay walked in the middle of the group, with two Turtles in front and two behind her. She walked a bit slower than they were used to, she could tell, because of the way Mikey and Raph had to keep checking over their shoulders for her.

The walk was silent. No words were exchanged amongst them. Kay held her backpack close.

She wasn’t sure how long or how far they’d traveled, but they eventually came to a point where the icky waters of the sewers became less obvious, and walkways dominated. The next thing she knew, all five of them had stopped in front of a massive brick wall – one she was barely able to see. Donnie reached to pull a lever above her head, and the wall split down the middle and opened invitingly.

“Better hurry,” the scientist said to her as they all jogged through their makeshift front door. “It closes back up pretty quickly.”

Kay darted inside after the four of them, feeling a woosh behind her as the wall closed back up, sealing them all inside. She only briefly glanced back over her shoulder with the thought of, what am I doing? Then she focused her gaze forward and all rational thoughts left her completely.

The large, open area was dimly lit, but still able to be seen clearly. Before her was a living room of sorts, complete with old arcade games, a TV set, some couches, and a mess of food and magazines that only boys could create. Beyond that was a kitchen and dining table, and above that, a sort of balcony that overlooked the lair. Kay glanced to her right and saw a staircase next to what she assumed was Donnie’s work area – a space full of computers and pencils and papers and all other science-y things.

The Turtles stepped back and allowed her a moment to take it all in, which she was grateful for. She continued her forward momentum, albeit much more slowly. Kay felt the breath leave her lungs. The lair was real. It was amazing how homey it felt to her.


Kay’s heart dropped and she instinctively felt herself stand up straighter as she turned to her left to locate the familiar voice. The Turtles had glanced over as well. Footsteps – along with the occasional tap of a cane on the ground – could be heard approaching them all.

The voice continued, “You are cutting it a bit close, don’t you think? Do you know what time it is?”

And then Master Splinter was there, taking them in with his stern gaze that held a hint of tenderness as well. His eyes found Kay, and he stood still where he was. Kay, for her part, could not stop staring...again. The giant rat stood proudly before her, years of experience and wisdom radiating from him. Even from this distance she could tell he was at least a head shorter than her, which felt odd, since she’d always looked up to him as a teacher. His fur was predominantly grey, but splotches of black could be seen around his ears and muzzle. His eyes were the gentlest of brown, and they watched her with patience and understanding.

“Hello, young woman,” he said.

Oh my gosh. Master Splinter. That’s when it hit Kay where she was and how she’d gotten here. She stumbled back a step, still staring at their sensei.

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