Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Leo led the way through the dark sewers as the four Turtles took Kay with them to the surface. It had been an interesting night, for sure – each of the brothers had taken turns staying with the new girl as she adjusted to being underground with creatures she hardly knew. Although personally, Leo wondered if that wasn’t entirely true. Kay had taken various naps off and on throughout the day, seeming determined to get onto their sleeping schedule. Now she was only too ready to get up there and figure out what was going on, which he had to admit was an admirable trait.

He pushed up on the manhole cover, peeked out, and then slid it away completely once he was certain the coast was clear. Raph came out after him, followed by Kay and then his two youngest brothers. Mikey slid the cover back into place as the others began climbing up the nearest fire escape and to the rooftops. Kay accepted little to no help on her journey upwards, following closely behind Raphael.

Once on the rooftops, she took in a deep breath of fresh air. Well, as fresh as the air in New York City could get. The view from up here was pretty amazing, and Leo noticed her taking it all in with the wide, innocent eyes of a child. For a moment he wondered how old she was, but quickly pushed the thought away when Mikey spoke.

“So how do we do this, Leo?” the youngest Turtle asked.

Leo turned to his group, arms crossed. “Same as always. We split up. Donnie, with me. Raph and Mikey, you know what to do.”

Raph waved his hand in the air absentmindedly. Leo knew he still wasn’t entirely fond of taking orders, despite his recently renewed willingness to follow his leader. “Yeah, yeah. Why do I always get stuck with Mikey?”

“Dude, I’m right here.” Mikey frowned.

“Just try to keep up,” Raph muttered, then took off without warning. Mikey stumbled over his first few steps in an effort to follow.

Kay watched them go for a moment and then returned her attention to Leonardo, who was already speaking to Donnie. “Patrol the streets.”

“Make sure they don’t find Kay.” Donnie completed the thought. “Got it.”

Leo nodded and focused his eyes on her, holding out his hand. “May I?”

Kay hesitated for a moment, wishing not for the first time that she still had the ability to glide. If she did, she would not have to have the guys carry her around. Sighing to herself and trying to push away the awkwardness she felt, she stepped forward slowly. She had barely placed her hand in his when he froze suddenly, every muscle in his body on high alert.

“Wait,” he said, then whirled and drew his swords in one swift motion, sending Kay stumbling back a few steps. When she regained her balance, she searched the area for the source of his shift into battle mode. Donnie came up behind her, his bo at the ready as well. Something moved in the shadows ahead of them, and she heard someone join them on the rooftop. Moments later, that figure emerged and revealed itself.

Kay gasped aloud. It was Karai.

The young Japanese woman stared coolly at them, hands at her sides. Kay noticed that her sword was sheathed at her right hip. Karai spoke with a voice soft and smooth as velvet. “I am not here to fight you.”

Immediately Leo straightened and put his swords away. Donnie did the same with his weapon. Kay wondered briefly at their lack of hesitation, but she did not have time to dwell on it.

“What do you want, Karai?” Leo asked, friendly enough but with firmness in his voice.

Karai shifted her eyes to focus solely on Kay, though the dark orbs held no threat of attack. “Her.”

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